How to use the node-notifier.NotifySend function in node-notifier

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-notifier examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / node-notifier / node-notifier-tests.ts View on Github external
title: void 0,
    message: void 0,
    sound: false, // true | false.
    time: 5000, // How long to show balloons in ms
    wait: false, // if wait for notification to end
}, function(error: any, response: any) {

// Usage NotifySend

var NotifySend2 = require('node-notifier').NotifySend;

var notifier6 = new NotifySend2();

    title: 'Foo',
    message: 'Hello World',
    icon: __dirname + "/coulson.jpg",

    // .. and other notify-send flags:
    urgency: void 0,
    time: void 0,
    category: void 0,
    hint: void 0,
github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / node-notifier / node-notifier-tests.ts View on Github external
new NotifySend(options).notify();

import WindowsToaster = require('node-notifier/notifiers/toaster');
new WindowsToaster(options).notify();

import Growl = require('node-notifier/notifiers/growl');
new Growl(options).notify();

import WindowsBalloon = require('node-notifier/notifiers/balloon');
new WindowsBalloon(options).notify();

var nn = require('node-notifier');

new nn.NotificationCenter(options).notify();
new nn.NotifySend(options).notify();
new nn.WindowsToaster(options).notify(options);
new nn.WindowsBalloon(options).notify(options);
new nn.Growl(options).notify(options);

// All notification options with their defaults:

var NotificationCenter2 = require('node-notifier').NotificationCenter;

var notifier2 = new NotificationCenter2({
    withFallback: false, // use Growl if <= 10.8?
    customPath: void 0 // Relative path if you want to use your fork of terminal-notifier
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function sendSystemNotification(notification) {
	new nn.NotificationCenter().notify(notification);
	new nn.NotifySend().notify(notification);
	new nn.WindowsToaster().notify(notification);
	//new nn.WindowsBalloon().notify(notification);
	new nn.Growl().notify(notification);