How to use the ngrx-forms.NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString function in ngrx-forms

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github MrWolfZ / ngrx-forms / example-app / src / app / material-example / form / form.component.ts View on Github external
get passwordState() {
    return cast(this.formState.controls.password);

  dateValueConverter: NgrxValueConverter = {
    convertViewToStateValue(value) {
      if (value === null) {
        return null;

      // the value provided by the date picker is in local time but we want UTC so we recreate the date as UTC
      value = new Date(Date.UTC(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()));
      return NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertViewToStateValue(value);
    convertStateToViewValue: NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertStateToViewValue,

  constructor(private actionsSubject: ActionsSubject) { }

  reset() { SetValueAction(, INITIAL_STATE.value)); ResetAction(;

  submit() {
    if (this.formState.isInvalid) {

    this.submittedValue = this.formState.value;
github MrWolfZ / ngrx-forms / example-app / src / app / item-form / item-form.component.ts View on Github external
get metaState(): FormGroupState {
    return this.formState.controls.meta as FormGroupState;

  dateValueConverter: NgrxValueConverter = {
    convertViewToStateValue(value) {
      if (value === null) {
        return null;

      // the value provided by the date picker is in local time but we want UTC so we recreate the date as UTC
      value = new Date(Date.UTC(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()));
      return NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertViewToStateValue(value);
    convertStateToViewValue: NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertStateToViewValue,

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    const isErrorState = (state: AbstractControlState) => state.isInvalid && (state.isDirty || state.isTouched || state.isSubmitted);

    // sadly, material 2 only properly integrates its error handling with @angular/forms; therefore
    // we have to implement a small hack to make error messages work
    const meta = () => this.formState.controls.meta as FormGroupState;
    this.inputs.find(i => === 'priority')!._isErrorState = () => isErrorState(meta().controls.priority);
    this.inputs.find(i => === 'duedate')!._isErrorState = () => isErrorState(meta().controls.duedate);
    this.inputs.find(i => === 'text')!._isErrorState = () => isErrorState(this.formState.controls.text);

  onSubmit() {
    if (this.formState.isInvalid) {
github MrWolfZ / ngrx-forms / example-app / src / app / material-example / material.component.ts View on Github external
this.submittedValue$ = store.pipe(select(s => s.material.submittedValue));

  hobbyOptions = ['Sports', 'Video Games'];

  dateValueConverter: NgrxValueConverter = {
    convertViewToStateValue(value) {
      if (value === null) {
        return null;

      // the value provided by the date picker is in local time but we want UTC so we recreate the date as UTC
      value = new Date(Date.UTC(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()));
      return NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertViewToStateValue(value);
    convertStateToViewValue: NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertStateToViewValue,

  reset() { SetValueAction(, INITIAL_STATE.value)); ResetAction(;

  submit() {
      filter(s => s.isValid),
      map(fs => new SetSubmittedValueAction(fs.value)),
github MrWolfZ / ngrx-forms / example-app / src / app / material-example / material.component.ts View on Github external
convertViewToStateValue(value) {
      if (value === null) {
        return null;

      // the value provided by the date picker is in local time but we want UTC so we recreate the date as UTC
      value = new Date(Date.UTC(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()));
      return NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertViewToStateValue(value);
    convertStateToViewValue: NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertStateToViewValue,
github MrWolfZ / ngrx-forms / example-app / src / app / item-form / item-form.component.ts View on Github external
convertViewToStateValue(value) {
      if (value === null) {
        return null;

      // the value provided by the date picker is in local time but we want UTC so we recreate the date as UTC
      value = new Date(Date.UTC(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()));
      return NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertViewToStateValue(value);
    convertStateToViewValue: NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertStateToViewValue,
github MrWolfZ / ngrx-forms / example-app / src / app / material-example / form / form.component.ts View on Github external
convertViewToStateValue(value) {
      if (value === null) {
        return null;

      // the value provided by the date picker is in local time but we want UTC so we recreate the date as UTC
      value = new Date(Date.UTC(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()));
      return NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertViewToStateValue(value);
    convertStateToViewValue: NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString.convertStateToViewValue,
github MrWolfZ / ngrx-forms / example-app / src / app / value-conversion / value-conversion.component.ts View on Github external
import { FormValue, State } from './value-conversion.reducer';

  selector: 'ngf-value-conversion',
  templateUrl: './value-conversion.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./value-conversion.component.scss'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class ValueConversionPageComponent {
  formState$: Observable>;

  constructor(store: Store) {
    this.formState$ = store.pipe(select(s => s.valueConversion.formState));

  dateToISOString = NgrxValueConverters.dateToISOString;