How to use ng2-file-upload - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ng2-file-upload examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github OmicsDI / ddi-web-app / src / app / profile / profile-info-profile / profile-info-profile.component.ts View on Github external
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
        for (const propName of Object.keys(changes)) {
            const chng = changes[propName];
            const cur = JSON.stringify(chng.currentValue);
            const prev = JSON.stringify(chng.previousValue);
            // console.log(`${propName}: currentValue = ${cur}, previousValue = ${prev}`);
            if (propName === 'profile') {
                if (null != chng.currentValue) {
                    console.log(`profile-info ngOnChanges: ${chng.currentValue.userId}`);
                    this.profile = chng.currentValue;
                    this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();
                    this.uploader = new FileUploader({url: this.appConfig.getProfileUploadImageUrl(this.profile.userId)});
                    this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item: any, response: any, status: any, headers: any) => {
                        this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();
github OmicsDI / ddi-web-app / src / app / modules / profile-controls / components / profile-info / profile-info.component.ts View on Github external
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
        for (const propName of Object.keys(changes)) {
            const chng = changes[propName];
            const cur = JSON.stringify(chng.currentValue);
            const prev = JSON.stringify(chng.previousValue);
            // console.log(`${propName}: currentValue = ${cur}, previousValue = ${prev}`);
            if (propName === 'profile') {
                if (null != chng.currentValue) {
                    console.log(`profile-info ngOnChanges: ${chng.currentValue.userId}`);
                    this.profile = chng.currentValue;
                    this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();
                    this.uploader = new FileUploader({url: this.appConfig.getProfileUploadImageUrl(this.profile.userId)});
                    this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item: any, response: any, status: any, headers: any) => {
                        this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();
github cube-ai / cubeai / gateway / src / main / webapp / app / ucumos / onboarding / onboarding.component.ts View on Github external
ngOnInit() {
        if (window.screen.width < 960) {
            this.globalService.closeSideNav(); // 手机屏幕默认隐藏sideNav

        this.userLogin = this.principal.getCurrentAccount().login;
        this.taskUuid = uuid().replace(/-/g, '').toLowerCase();
        this.uploader = new FileUploader({
            url: SERVER_API_URL + 'zuul/umu/api/modelfile/' + this.taskUuid,
            method: 'POST',
            itemAlias: this.userLogin,
            queueLimit: 1,

        this.uploader.onBeforeUploadItem = (fileItem) => {
            fileItem.headers.push({name: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', value: this.cookieService.get('XSRF-TOKEN')});
            return fileItem;
github OmicsDI / ddi-web-app / src / app / modules / dashboard / components / picture / picture.component.ts View on Github external
profile => {
                    console.log('getting profile');

                    this.userId = profile.userId;
                    // this.getConnections(this.userId);
                    // this.getCoAuthors(this.userId);

                    this.uploader = new FileUploader({url: this.appConfig.getProfileUploadImageUrl(this.userId)});

                    this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item: any, response: any, status: any, headers: any) => {
                        this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();

                    this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();
github metatron-app / metatron-discovery / discovery-frontend / src / app / user / profile / profile.component.ts View on Github external
constructor(private broadCaster: EventBroadcaster,
              private userService: UserService,
              private workspaceService: WorkspaceService,
              protected element: ElementRef,
              protected injector: Injector) {
    super(element, injector);
    // 이미지 업로드 URL 설정
      = new FileUploader({ url: CommonConstant.API_CONSTANT.API_URL + 'images/upload' });
github metatron-app / metatron-discovery / discovery-frontend / src / app / user / login / component / join / join.component.ts View on Github external
constructor(private userService: UserService,
              protected elementRef: ElementRef,
              protected  injector: Injector,
              protected renderer: Renderer2) {
    super(elementRef, injector);
    // 이미지 업로드 URL 설정
      = new FileUploader({ url: CommonConstant.API_CONSTANT.API_URL + 'images/upload' });
github swimlane / ngx-ui / release / components / button / file-button.component.js View on Github external () {
            if (!_this.uploader && !_this.options) {
                throw new Error('You must pass either an uploader instance or options.');
            // if options were passed, init a new uploader
            if (!_this.uploader && _this.options) {
                _this.uploader = new FileUploader(_this.options);
            // always remove after upload for this case
            _this.uploader.options.removeAfterUpload = true;
            _this.uploader.onAfterAddingFile = _this.onAfterAddingFile.bind(_this);
            _this.uploader.onBeforeUploadItem = _this.onBeforeUploadItem.bind(_this);
            _this.uploader.onProgressAll = _this.onProgressAll.bind(_this);
            _this.uploader.onSuccessItem = _this.onSuccessItem.bind(_this);
            _this.uploader.onErrorItem = _this.onErrorItem.bind(_this);
github OmicsDI / ddi-web-app / src / app / modules / dashboard / components / picture / picture.component.ts View on Github external
profile => {
                    this.logger.debug('getting profile');

                    this.userId = profile.userId;
                    // this.getConnections(this.userId);
                    // this.getCoAuthors(this.userId);

                    this.uploader = new FileUploader({url: this.appConfig.getProfileUploadImageUrl(this.userId)});

                    this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item: any, response: any, status: any, headers: any) => {
                        this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();

                    this.profileImageUrl = this.getProfileImageUrl();
github pabloFuente / full-teaching / angular-cli-project / src / app / components / file-uploader / file-uploader.component.ts View on Github external
ngOnChanges() {
      this.uploader = new FileUploader({url: this.URLUPLOAD, maxFileSize: Constants.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT});
      this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item:any, response:string, status:number, headers:any)=> {
        console.log("File uploaded...");
      this.uploader.onWhenAddingFileFailed = (fileItem) => {
github pabloFuente / full-teaching / angular-cli-project / src / app / components / file-uploader / file-uploader.component.ts View on Github external
ngOnInit() {
    this.uploader = new FileUploader({url: this.URLUPLOAD, maxFileSize: Constants.FILE_SIZE_LIMIT});
    this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item:any, response:string, status:number, headers:any)=> {
      console.log("File uploaded...");
    this.uploader.onWhenAddingFileFailed = (fileItem) => {


Angular file uploader

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