How to use neverthrow - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few neverthrow examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github robotty / dank-twitch-irc / lib / client / multi-client.ts View on Github external
return this.joinLock.wrapAll(channelNames, async () => {
            let results: Record> = {};
            let needToJoin: string[] = [];

            for (let channelName of channelNames) {
                if (this.channels.has(channelName)) {
                    results[channelName] = ok(this.roomStateTracker.getState(channelName) as RoomState);
                } else {

            let promises: Promise[] = [];

            let idx = 0;
            while (idx < needToJoin.length) {
                let conn = this.requireConnection(
                    c => c.channels.size < this.configuration.maxChannelCountPerConnection);
                let canJoin = this.configuration.maxChannelCountPerConnection - conn.channels.size;
                let slice = needToJoin.slice(idx, idx += canJoin);

                promises.push((async () => {
github robotty / dank-twitch-irc / lib / utils.ts View on Github external
    return (p.then(r => ok(r), (e) => err(e))) as Promise>;


Stop throwing errors, and instead return Results!

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Popular neverthrow functions