How to use netlify-cms-lib-util - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few netlify-cms-lib-util examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-backend-test / src / implementation.js View on Github external
const newIndex = (() => {
      if (action === 'next') {
        return index + 1;
      if (action === 'prev') {
        return index - 1;
      if (action === 'first') {
        return 0;
      if (action === 'last') {
        return pageCount;
    // TODO: stop assuming cursors are for collections
    const depth = getCollectionDepth(collection);
    const allEntries = getFolderEntries(
    const entries = allEntries.slice(newIndex * pageSize, newIndex * pageSize + pageSize);
    const newCursor = getCursor(collection, extension, allEntries, newIndex);
    return Promise.resolve({ entries, cursor: newCursor });
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-core / src / actions / mediaLibrary.ts View on Github external
} else {
        const entry = state.entryDraft.get('entry');
        const entryPath = entry?.get('path');
        const collection = state.collections.get(entry?.get('collection'));
        const path = selectMediaFilePath(state.config, collection, entryPath,;
        assetProxy = createAssetProxy({


      let mediaFile: MediaFile;
      if (integration) {
        const id = await getBlobSHA(file);
        // integration assets are persisted immediately, thus draft is false
        mediaFile = createMediaFileFromAsset({ id, file, assetProxy, draft: false });
      } else if (editingDraft) {
        const id = await getBlobSHA(file);
        mediaFile = createMediaFileFromAsset({ id, file, assetProxy, draft: editingDraft });
        return dispatch(addDraftEntryMediaFile(mediaFile));
      } else {
        mediaFile = await backend.persistMedia(state.config, assetProxy);

      return dispatch(mediaPersisted(mediaFile, { privateUpload }));
    } catch (error) {
          message: `Failed to persist media: ${error}`,
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-backend-github / src / API.ts View on Github external
this._metadataSemaphore?.take(async () => {
        try {
          const branchData = await this.checkMetadataRef();
          const file = { path: `${key}.json`, raw: JSON.stringify(data) };

          await this.uploadBlob(file);
          const changeTree = await this.updateTree(branchData.sha, [file as File]);
          const { sha } = await this.commit(`Updating “${key}” metadata`, changeTree);
          await this.patchRef('meta', '_netlify_cms', sha);
          localForage.setItem(`gh.meta.${key}`, {
            expires: + 300000, // In 5 minutes
        } catch (err) {
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-core / src / backend.ts View on Github external
async getLocalDraftBackup(collection: Collection, slug: string) {
    const key = getEntryBackupKey(collection.get('name'), slug);
    const backup = await localForage.getItem(key);
    if (!backup || !backup.raw.trim()) {
      return {};
    const { raw, path } = backup;
    let { mediaFiles = [] } = backup;

    mediaFiles = => {
      // de-serialize the file object
      if (file.file) {
        return { ...file, url: URL.createObjectURL(file.file) };
      return file;

    const label = selectFileEntryLabel(collection, slug);
    const entry: EntryValue = this.entryWithFormat(collection)(
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-core / src / actions / entries.ts View on Github external
.then((response: { cursor: typeof Cursor }) => ({

        // The only existing backend using the pagination system is the
        // Algolia integration, which is also the only integration used
        // to list entries. Thus, this checking for an integration can
        // determine whether or not this is using the old integer-based
        // pagination API. Other backends will simply store an empty
        // cursor, which behaves identically to no cursor at all.
        cursor: integration
          ? Cursor.create({
              actions: ['next'],
              meta: { usingOldPaginationAPI: true },
              data: { nextPage: page + 1 },
          : Cursor.create(response.cursor),
      .then((response: { cursor: typeof Cursor; pagination: number; entries: EntryValue[] }) =>
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-backend-bitbucket / src / API.js View on Github external
processFile = file => ({
    name: basename(file.path),

    // BitBucket does not return file SHAs, but it does give us the
    // commit SHA. Since the commit SHA will change if any files do,
    // we can construct an ID using the commit SHA and the file path
    // that will help with caching (though not as well as a normal
    // SHA, since it will change even if the individual file itself
    // doesn't.)
    ...(file.commit && file.commit.hash ? { id: `${file.commit.hash}/${file.path}` } : {}),
  processFiles = files => files.filter(this.isFile).map(this.processFile);
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uploadBlob = (item, { commitMessage, branch = this.branch } = {}) => {
    const contentBlob = get(item, 'fileObj', new Blob([item.raw]));
    const formData = new FormData();
    // Third param is filename header, in case path is `message`, `branch`, etc.
    formData.append(item.path, contentBlob, basename(item.path));
    formData.append('branch', branch);
    if (commitMessage) {
      formData.append('message', commitMessage);
    if (this.commitAuthor) {
      const { name, email } = this.commitAuthor;
      formData.append('author', `${name} <${email}>`);

    return flow([
      then(() => ({ ...item })),
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-core / src / backend.ts View on Github external
const mediaFiles = await Promise.all(
        .map(async (file: MediaFile) => {
          // make sure to serialize the file
          if (file.url?.startsWith('blob:')) {
            const blob = await fetch(file.url).then(res => res.blob());
            return { ...file, file: new File([blob], };
          return file;

    await localForage.setItem(key, {
      path: entry.get('path'),
    return localForage.setItem(getEntryBackupKey(), raw);
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-core / src / backend.ts View on Github external
.map(async (file: MediaFile) => {
          // make sure to serialize the file
          if (file.url?.startsWith('blob:')) {
            const blob = await fetch(file.url).then(res => res.blob());
            return { ...file, file: new File([blob], };
          return file;

    await localForage.setItem(key, {
      path: entry.get('path'),
    return localForage.setItem(getEntryBackupKey(), raw);
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-backend-github / src / API.js View on Github external
.then(() => {
          localForage.setItem(`gh.meta.${key}`, {
            expires: + 300000, // In 5 minutes