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function createTestInjector(devices?: IAttachedDevices): IInjector {
const customEventEmitter = new CustomDeviceEmitter(devices);
const testInjector = new Yok();
testInjector.register("injector", testInjector);
testInjector.register("nsCloudDeviceEmulator", {
get deviceEmitter() {
return customEventEmitter;
testInjector.register("nsCloudServerEmulatorsService", { /* empty */ });
testInjector.register("mobileHelper", {
normalizePlatformName: (platform: string) => platform.toLowerCase()
return testInjector;
function createTestInjector(): IInjector {
const testInjector = new Yok();
testInjector.register("nsCloudServerRequestService", {
call: async () => emulatorCredentials
testInjector.register("fs", {
exists: () => true,
readJson: () => ({}),
writeJson: () => { /* empty */ }
testInjector.register("nsCloudUploadService", {
uploadToS3: async (url: string) => url
testInjector.register("nsCloudDeviceEmulator", { /* empty */ });
testInjector.register("options", {
profileDir: "test"
testInjector.register("nsCloudEulaService", {
it("returns the real version of the package", async () => {
const testInjector = new Yok();
testInjector.register("fs", FileSystem);
let message: string = null;
const loggerInfo = (msg: string) => {
message = msg;
testInjector.register("logger", {
info: loggerInfo
testInjector.register("nsCloudPackageInfoService", PackageInfoService);
testInjector.registerCommand("command", CloudLibVersion);
await testInjector.resolveCommand("command").execute([]);
const realVersion = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "package.json")).toString()).version;
const newPageName = args[0];
const options = {
displayName: args[1],
templateFlavor: appFlavor
const appPath = args[3];
tns.nsStarterKitsApplicationService.addPage(newPageName, options, appPath, "next")
console.log('Details=== ', details)
console.error('Error=== ', err)
.then(pageAction, pageAction);
const pageAction = () => {
const args = process.argv.slice(2, 6);
let appFlavor = '';
try {
appFlavor = checkFlavor(args[2]);
} catch(error) {
const newPageName = args[0];
const options = {
displayName: args[1],
templateFlavor: appFlavor
const appPath = args[3];
tns.nsStarterKitsApplicationService.addPage(newPageName, options, appPath, "next")
console.log('Details=== ', details)
console.error('Error=== ', err)
'use strict';
const path = require("path");
const tns = require("nativescript");
tns.settingsService.setSettings({ profileDir: path.join(__dirname, "..", "..") });
const checkFlavor = (flavor) => {
if (typeof flavor !== "string") {
return new Error("Flavor fust be string");
const isAngular= flavor.indexOf("ng") > -1;
const isTypeScript = flavor.indexOf("ts") > -1;
const isJs = flavor.indexOf("js") > -1;
if (isAngular) {
flavor = "Angular & TypeScript";
console.log("Flavor === ", flavor);
} else if (isTypeScript) {
flavor = "TypeScript";
console.log("Flavor === ", flavor);
} else if (isJs) {
const createTestInjector = (): IInjector => {
const testInjector = new Yok();
testInjector.register("nsCloudErrorsService", {
fail: (message: string, ...args: any[]): never => { throw new Error(message); }
testInjector.register("logger", {
printMarkdown: (...args: any[]): void => undefined,
trace: (formatStr?: any, ...args: any[]): void => undefined,
info: (formatStr?: any, ...args: any[]): void => undefined,
testInjector.register("nsCloudEulaService", {
acceptEula: async (): Promise => undefined,
getEulaDataWithCache: async (): Promise => ({ url: EulaConstants.eulaUrl, shouldAcceptEula: true })
testInjector.register("prompter", {
const createTestInjector = (cloudConfigurationData?: ICloudConfigurationData): IInjector => {
const testInjector = new Yok();
testInjector.register("logger", {
trace: (formatStr?: any, ...args: any[]): void => (undefined)
testInjector.register("httpClient", {});
testInjector.register("nsCloudConfigurationService", {
getCloudConfigurationData: () => cloudConfigurationData
testInjector.register("nsCloudPolyfillService", PolyfillService);
testInjector.register("projectDataService", {});
return testInjector;
const createTestInjector = (): IInjector => {
const testInjector = new Yok();
testInjector.register("logger", {});
testInjector.register("nsCloudCommunicationChannelFactory", CommunicationChannelFactory);
testInjector.register("nsCloudWebSocketFactory", {
create: (): any => null
testInjector.register("injector", testInjector);
return testInjector;
beforeEach(() => {