How to use the name-suggestion-index.matcher function in name-suggestion-index

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few name-suggestion-index examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github openstreetmap / iD / modules / validations / outdated_tags.js View on Github external
export function validationOutdatedTags(context) {
    var type = 'outdated_tags';

    // initialize name-suggestion-index matcher
    var nsiMatcher = matcher();
    var nsiKeys = ['amenity', 'shop', 'tourism', 'leisure', 'office'];

    var allWD = {};
    var allWP = {};
    Object.keys(brands.brands).forEach(function(kvnd) {
        var brand = brands.brands[kvnd];
        var wd = brand.tags['brand:wikidata'];
        var wp = brand.tags['brand:wikipedia'];
        if (wd) { allWD[wd] = kvnd; }
        if (wp) { allWP[wp] = kvnd; }

    function oldTagIssues(entity, graph) {
        var oldTags = Object.assign({}, entity.tags);  // shallow copy


Canonical common brand names for OpenStreetMap

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