How to use the nahmii-sdk.Payment function in nahmii-sdk

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export function* makePayment({ monetaryAmount, recipient, walletOverride }) {
  let signer;
  let confOnDevice;
  let confOnDeviceDone;
  try {
    const wallet = walletOverride || (yield (select(makeSelectCurrentWalletWithInfo()))).toJS();
    if (wallet.encrypted && !wallet.decrypted) {
      yield put(showDecryptWalletModal(actions.makeNahmiiPayment(monetaryAmount, recipient, walletOverride)));
      yield put(actions.nahmiiPaymentError(new Error(getIntl().formatMessage({ id: 'wallet_encrypted_error' }))));
    const network = yield select(makeSelectCurrentNetwork());
    const nahmiiProvider = network.nahmiiProvider;
    [signer, confOnDevice, confOnDeviceDone] = yield call(getSdkWalletSigner, wallet);
    const nahmiiWallet = new nahmii.Wallet(signer, nahmiiProvider);
    const payment = new nahmii.Payment(monetaryAmount, wallet.address, recipient, nahmiiWallet);
    if (confOnDevice) yield put(confOnDevice);
    yield call([payment, 'sign']);
    if (confOnDeviceDone) yield put(confOnDeviceDone);
    yield call([payment, 'register']);
    yield put(actions.nahmiiPaymentSuccess());
    yield put(notify('success', getIntl().formatMessage({ id: 'sent_transaction_success' })));
  } catch (e) {
    if (confOnDeviceDone) yield put(confOnDeviceDone);
    yield put(actions.nahmiiPaymentError(e));
    yield put(notify('error', getIntl().formatMessage({ id: 'send_transaction_failed_message_error' }, { message: e.message })));