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const { payload: location } = action;
const state = store.getState();
const { referrer = {} } = state.routing;
// inject request metadata from context, including `store.getState()`
const requestMetadata = {
referrer: referrer.pathname || state.config.entryPath || '',
logout: location.pathname.endsWith('logout'), // assume logout route ends with logout - not currently implemented in any app
clickTracking: true, // clicks should be tracked with this request
retainRefs: [],
const cacheAction = requestMetadata.logout && { type: 'CACHE_CLEAR' };
const previousQueries = referrer.pathname
? getMatchedQueries(referrer, state)(findMatches(referrer))
: [];
const newQueries = getMatchedQueries(location, state)(findMatches(location));
if (newQueries.filter(q => q).length === 0) {
// no valid queries - jump straight to 'complete'
return [api.complete([])];
// perform a fast comparison of previous route's serialized queries
// with the new route's serialized queries. All state refs for
// _shared_ queries should be retained
const serializedNew =;
const serializedPrev =;
const sharedRefs = serializedPrev
.filter(qJSON => serializedNew.includes(qJSON))
.map(q => q.ref);
requestMetadata.retainRefs = sharedRefs;
return Promise.resolve(
const state = store.getState();
const { referrer = {} } = state.routing;
// inject request metadata from context, including `store.getState()`
const requestMetadata = {
referrer: referrer.pathname || state.config.entryPath || '',
logout: location.pathname.endsWith('logout'), // assume logout route ends with logout - not currently implemented in any app
clickTracking: state.clickTracking,
retainRefs: [],
const cacheAction = requestMetadata.logout && { type: 'CACHE_CLEAR' };
const resolvePrevQueries = referrer.pathname
? resolveRoutes(referrer).then(getMatchedQueries(referrer))
: Promise.resolve([]);
const resolveNewQueries = resolveRoutes(location).then(
return Promise.all([resolveNewQueries, resolvePrevQueries]).then(
([newQueries, previousQueries]) => {
if (newQueries.filter(q => q).length === 0) {
// no valid queries - jump straight to 'complete'
return [api.complete([])];
// perform a fast comparison of previous route's serialized queries
// with the new route's serialized queries. All state refs for
// _shared_ queries should be retained
const serializedNew =;
const serializedPrev =;
const sharedRefs = serializedPrev
.filter(qJSON => serializedNew.includes(qJSON))
const { payload: location } = action;
const state = store.getState();
const { referrer = {} } = state.routing;
// inject request metadata from context, including `store.getState()`
const requestMetadata = {
referrer: referrer.pathname || state.config.entryPath || '',
logout: location.pathname.endsWith('logout'), // assume logout route ends with logout - not currently implemented in any app
clickTracking: true, // clicks should be tracked with this request
retainRefs: [],
const cacheAction = requestMetadata.logout && { type: 'CACHE_CLEAR' };
const previousQueries = referrer.pathname
? getMatchedQueries(referrer, state)(findMatches(referrer))
: [];
const newQueries = getMatchedQueries(location, state)(findMatches(location));
if (newQueries.filter(q => q).length === 0) {
// no valid queries - jump straight to 'complete'
return [api.complete([])];
// perform a fast comparison of previous route's serialized queries
// with the new route's serialized queries. All state refs for
// _shared_ queries should be retained
const serializedNew =;
const serializedPrev =;
const sharedRefs = serializedPrev
.filter(qJSON => serializedNew.includes(qJSON))
.map(q => q.ref);
requestMetadata.retainRefs = sharedRefs;
return Promise.resolve([]);
const { payload: location } = action;
const state = store.getState();
const { referrer = {} } = state.routing;
// inject request metadata from context, including `store.getState()`
const requestMetadata = {
referrer: referrer.pathname || state.config.entryPath || '',
logout: location.pathname.endsWith('logout'), // assume logout route ends with logout - not currently implemented in any app
clickTracking: state.clickTracking,
retainRefs: [],
const cacheAction = requestMetadata.logout && { type: 'CACHE_CLEAR' };
const resolvePrevQueries = referrer.pathname
? resolveRoutes(referrer).then(getMatchedQueries(referrer))
: Promise.resolve([]);
const resolveNewQueries = resolveRoutes(location).then(
return Promise.all([resolveNewQueries, resolvePrevQueries]).then(
([newQueries, previousQueries]) => {
if (newQueries.filter(q => q).length === 0) {
// no valid queries - jump straight to 'complete'
return [api.complete([])];
// perform a fast comparison of previous route's serialized queries
// with the new route's serialized queries. All state refs for
// _shared_ queries should be retained
const serializedNew =;
const serializedPrev =;
config: {
baseUrl: host,
initialNow: new Date().getTime(),
variants: getVariants(state),
entryPath: url.pathname, // the path that the user entered the app on
media: getMedia(userAgent, userAgentDevice),
const createStore = getServerCreateStore(
getRouteResolver(routes, basename),
return Promise.resolve(createStore(reducer, initialState));
export function resolveAppProps(
routes: Array,
reducer: Reducer,
middleware: Array = []
): Promise {
const basename = window.APP_RUNTIME.appContext.basename || '';
const findMatches = getFindMatches(routes, basename);
const createStore = getBrowserCreateStore(findMatches, middleware);
const store = createStore(reducer, getInitialState(window.APP_RUNTIME));
// find the matched routes, and then resolve their components - mutate
// the route object so that the overall `routes` object contains
// resolved `component` properties for the current location
const resolveComponents = (): Promise => {
// get an array of matched routes
const matchedRoutes = findMatches(window.location);
// resolve components in parallel (AJAX chunk requests)
return Promise.all( => {
if (matchedRoute.route.getComponent) {
return matchedRoute.route.getComponent();
return Promise.resolve(matchedRoute.route.component);
scripts: Array,
enableServiceWorker: boolean,
cssLinks: ?(Array | (MWPState => Array)),
}) => {
const {
} = renderConfig;
// set up a Promise that emits the resolved routes - this single Promise will
// be reused for all subsequent requests, so we're not resolving the routes repeatedly
// hooray performance
const routesPromise = resolveAllRoutes(routes);
return (request: HapiRequest, h: HapiResponseToolkit): Promise => {
if (!scripts.length) {
throw new Error('No client script assets specified');
const appContext = getAppContext(request, enableServiceWorker);
// create the store with populated `config`
const initializeStore = resolvedRoutes => {
const createStore = getServerCreateStore(
getFindMatches(resolvedRoutes, appContext.basename),
middleware || [],
const initialState = { config: appContext };
return Promise.resolve(createStore(reducer, initialState));
export function resolveAppProps(
routes: Array,
reducer: Reducer,
middleware: Array = []
): Promise {
const basename = window.APP_RUNTIME.basename || '';
const resolveRoutes = getRouteResolver(routes, basename);
const createStore = getBrowserCreateStore(resolveRoutes, middleware);
const store = createStore(reducer, getInitialState(window.APP_RUNTIME));
return resolveRoutes(window.location).then(() => ({
const initializeStore = resolvedRoutes => {
const createStore = getServerCreateStore(
getFindMatches(resolvedRoutes, appContext.basename),
middleware || [],
const initialState = { config: appContext };
return Promise.resolve(createStore(reducer, initialState));
const resolveSideEffects = () => ({
head: Helmet.rewind(),
redirect: Redirect.rewind(),
forbidden: Forbidden.rewind(),
notFound: NotFound.rewind(),