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const parameters = bodyOverride || req.body;
ourFields.forEach((fieldName) => {
if (parameters[fieldName] !== undefined) {
properties[fieldName] = parameters[fieldName];
delete parameters[fieldName];
const msProperties = {
onBehalfOf: properties['ms.onBehalfOf'] || req.headers['ms-onbehalfof'],
justification: properties['ms.justification'] || req.headers['ms-justification'],
license: properties['ms.license'] || req.headers['ms-license'],
approvalType: properties['ms.approval'] || req.headers['ms-approval'],
approvalUrl: properties['ms.approval-url'] || req.headers['ms-approval-url'],
notify: properties['ms.notify'] || req.headers['ms-notify'],
teams: properties['ms.teams'] || req.headers['ms-teams'],
template: properties['ms.template'] || req.headers['ms-template'],
projectType: properties['ms.project-type'] || req.headers['ms-project-type'],
// Validate licenses
let msLicense = msProperties.license;
if (!msLicense) {
throw jsonError(new Error('Missing Microsoft license information'), 422);
msLicense = msLicense.toLowerCase();
if (supportedLicenseExpressions.indexOf(msLicense) < 0) {
throw jsonError(new Error('The provided license expression is not currently supported'), 422);
// Validate approval types
const msApprovalType = msProperties.approvalType;
if (!msApprovalType) {
throw jsonError(new Error('Missing Microsoft approval type information'), 422);