How to use the ms-rest.LogFilter function in ms-rest

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ms-rest examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / appcenter-cli / src / util / apis / create-client.ts View on Github external
// Helper function to create client objects
const debug = require("debug")("appcenter-cli:util:apis:create-client");
import { inspect } from "util";
import { IncomingMessage } from "http";

import { AppCenterClient } from "./generated/appCenterClient";
import { AppCenterClientCredentials } from "./appcenter-client-credentials";
import { userAgentFilter } from "./user-agent-filter";
import { telemetryFilter } from "./telemetry-filter";

const BasicAuthenticationCredentials = require("ms-rest").BasicAuthenticationCredentials;
import { ServiceCallback, ServiceError, WebResource } from "ms-rest";

const createLogger = require("ms-rest").LogFilter.create;

import { isDebug } from "../interaction";
import { Profile } from "../profile";
import { failure, ErrorCodes } from "../../util/commandline/command-result";

export interface AppCenterClientFactory {
  fromUserNameAndPassword(userName: string, password: string, endpoint: string): AppCenterClient;
  fromToken(token: string | Promise | {(): Promise}, endpoint: string): AppCenterClient;
  fromProfile(user: Profile): AppCenterClient;

export function createAppCenterClient(command: string[], telemetryEnabled: boolean): AppCenterClientFactory {
  function createClientOptions(): any {
    debug(`Creating client options, isDebug = ${isDebug()}`);
    const filters = [userAgentFilter, telemetryFilter(command.join(" "), telemetryEnabled)];
    return {