How to use the mrm-core.MrmError function in mrm-core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mrm-core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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const travisYml = yaml('.travis.yml');

	// Require .travis.yml
	if (!travisYml.exists()) {
		throw new MrmError(
			`Run travis task first:

  mrm travis`

	const pkg = packageJson();

	// Require coverage npm script
	if (!pkg.getScript(coverageScript)) {
		throw new MrmError(
			`${coverageScript} npm script not found. To add Jest run:

  mrm jest`

	// .travis.yml
	if (!travisYml.get('after_success', []).includes(uploadCommand)) {
				script: [`npm run ${coverageScript}`],
				after_success: [uploadCommand],