How to use the mongo-query-to-postgres-jsonb.convertSort function in mongo-query-to-postgres-jsonb

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github thomas4019 / pgmongo / index.js View on Github external
    const data = { values: rows, ok: 1 }
    socket.write(build(reqId, data, {}))
    return true
  if (commandName === 'find') {
    const filter = doc.filter
    const where = safeWhereConversion(filter, rawCollectionName)
    let select = mongoToPostgres.convertSelect('data', doc.projection)

    let query = `SELECT ${select} FROM ${collectionName}`
    if (where !== 'TRUE') {
      query += ` WHERE ${where}`
    if (doc.sort) {
      query += ' ORDER BY ' + mongoToPostgres.convertSort('data', doc.sort, doc.collation && doc.collation.numericOrdering)
    if (doc.limit) {
      query += ' LIMIT ' + Math.abs(doc.limit)
    if (doc.skip) {
      if (doc.skip < 0) {
        socket.write(build(reqId, { ok: 0, errmsg: 'negative skip not allowed' }, {}))
        return true
      query += ' OFFSET ' + doc.skip
    let res
    try {
      res = await tryOrCreateTable(async () => await doQuery(databaseName, query), databaseName, collectionName)
    } catch (e) {


Converts MongoDB queries to postgresql queries for jsonb fields.

Latest version published 10 months ago

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