How to use the mobservable.fromJson function in mobservable

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mobservable examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mobxjs / mobx-react-boilerplate / src / todos.js View on Github external
import mobservable from 'mobservable';

// Create a reactive data structure
export var todos = mobservable.fromJson([]);

// The following function will automatically be executed whenever 'todos' changes
mobservable.sideEffect(() => {
	console.log("Completed %d of %d todo items", todos.filter(todo => todo.completed).length, todos.length)

addTodo("Find a clean mug");
// Prints: 'Completed 0 of 1 todo items'
addTodo("Make coffee");
// Prints: 'Completed 0 of 2 todo items'
todos[0].completed = true;
// Prints: 'Completed 1 of 2 todo items'

export function addTodo(title) {
		title: title,
github mobxjs / mobx-react-boilerplate / src / todos.js View on Github external
export function addTodo(title) {
		title: title,
		completed: false