How to use the mithril.component function in mithril

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mithril examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tivac / crucible / src / types / split.js View on Github external
view : function(ctrl, options) {
        var field  = options.field;
        return m("div", { class : css.container },
            field.instructions ? m.component(instructions, { field : field.instructions }) : null,
            (field.children || []).map(function(section) {
                return m("div", { class : css.section },
                    m.component(children, assign({}, options, {
                        // Don't want to repeat any incoming class that children might've passed in
                        class  : false,
                        fields : section.children
github ArthurClemens / polythene / examples / src / app / icon / icon.es6.js View on Github external
                m.component(block, {
                    label: 'Refresh',
                    icon: {
                        svg: {
                            group: 'navigation',
                            name: 'refresh'
                        class: 'md'

        m.component(titleBlock, {
            title: 'Iconset',
            info: m('p',
      'SVG icons from <a href="">Templarian / Material Design</a>')
            content: [
                m.component(block, {
                    label: 'Barcode',
                    icon: {
                        svg: {
                            name: 'barcode',
                            iconSet: 'mdi'
                        class: 'mdi'
                m.component(block, {
github CenterForOpenScience / / website / static / js / dashboard.js View on Github external
'Select a list below to see the projects. or click ',
                        ' button above to toggle.'
                ] : '',
                m.component(Collections, ctrl),
                m.component(Filters, {
                    activeFilter : ctrl.activeFilter,
                    updateFilter : ctrl.updateFilter,
                    nameFilters : ctrl.nameFilters,
                    tagFilters : ctrl.tagFilters
            ]) : '',
            mobile && ctrl.showSidebar() ? '' : m('.db-main', { style : poStyle },[
                ctrl.refreshView() ? m('.spinner-div', m('i.fa.fa-refresh.fa-spin')) : '',
       === 0 ? ctrl.nonLoadTemplate() : m('.db-poOrganizer',  m.component( ProjectOrganizer, {
                        filesData :,
                        updateSelected : ctrl.updateSelected,
                        updateFilesData : ctrl.updateFilesData,
                        LinkObject : LinkObject,
                        wrapperSelector : args.wrapperSelector,
                        allProjects : ctrl.allProjects,
                        reload : ctrl.reload,
                        resetUi : ctrl.resetUi
            mobile ? '' : m('.db-info-toggle',{
                    onclick : function _showInfoOnclick(){
                        $osf.trackClick('dashboard', 'information-panel', 'show-hide-information-panel');
github AlexanderLindsay / dailybudgeteer / client / rates / ratecomponent.ts View on Github external
public view = (ctrl: RateController) =&gt; {
        return m("div.column", [
            m.component(this.listComponent, ctrl.vm),
            m.component(new modal(ctrl.vm.modalTitle(), ctrl.vm.isAddModalOpen,
                () =&gt; m.component(this.formComponent, { item: ctrl.vm.item(), editDuration: ctrl.vm.editDates() }),
                () =&gt; [
                    m("button.ui.left.floated.button[type='button']", {
                        onclick: ctrl.vm.editDuration,
                        disabled: ctrl.vm.item().id() &lt;= 0 || ctrl.vm.editDates()
                    }, "Edit Duration"),
                    m("button.ui.approve.button[type='button']", { onclick: ctrl.vm.expire, disabled: ctrl.vm.item().id() &lt;= 0 }, "Expire"),
                    m("button.ui.approve.button[type='button']", { onclick: }, ctrl.vm.modalActionName()),
                    m("button.ui.cancel.button[type='button]", "Cancel")
github catarse / catarse.js / legacy / src / root / follow-found-friends.js View on Github external
displayTabContent = () => {
                const c_opts = {
                    tabs = {
                        '#creators': m.component(userCreators, c_opts),
                        '#friends': m.component(userFriends, c_opts),
                        '#follows': m.component(userFollows, c_opts),
                        '#followers': m.component(userFollowers, c_opts)


                if (_.isEmpty(hash()) || hash() === '#_=_') {
                    return tabs['#friends'];

                return tabs[hash()];
github tivac / crucible / types / repeating-edit.js View on Github external;
                    "Max: ",
                    m("input[type=number]", {
                        oninput : m.withAttr("value", update.bind(null, options.ref, "max")),
                        value   : details.max || ""
            m.component(types.components.fields.edit, {
                details : details,
                ref     : options.ref
github catarse / catarse.js / legacy / spec / components / project-posts.spec.js View on Github external
beforeAll(() => {
            spyOn(m, 'component').and.callThrough();
            projectPostDetail = ProjectPostDetailsMockery()[0];
            const project = m.prop({id: 1231});
            const component = m.component(projectPosts, {
                    project: project
                view = component.view(component.controller({
                    project: project

            $output = mq(view);
github catarse / catarse.js / legacy / src / c / projects-display.js View on Github external
            return m('div',, (collection, index) => m.component(projectRowWithHeader, {
                    title: collection.title,
                    ref: `home_${(collection.hash === 'all' ? 'score' : collection.hash)}`,
                    showFriends: collection.showFriends,
                    isOdd: index & 1
github catarse / catarse.js / legacy / src / root / publish.js View on Github external
view: function(ctrl, args) {
        const project = _.first(ctrl.projectDetails()),
            acceptedIndex = ctrl.acceptedIndex,
            account = _.first(ctrl.projectAccount());

        const terms = project.mode === 'flex' ? publishVM.flexTerms(project) :
          project.mode === 'aon' ? publishVM.aonTerms(project, ctrl.expiresAt()) :

        return [project && account ? [
            (project.is_owner_or_admin ? m.component(projectDashboardMenu, {
                project: m.prop(project),
                hidePublish: true
            }) : ''),
            m('.w-section.section', [
                m('.w-container', [
                    m('.w-row', [
                        m('.w-col.w-col-6', [
                            m('.u-text-center', [
                                m('.fontsize-large.fontweight-semibold.u-marginbottom-20', 'Pronto para lançar sua campanha?'),
                                m('.fontsize-base.u-marginbottom-30', 'Preparamos uma lista com informações importantes para você checar antes de colocar seu projeto no ar!')
github ArthurClemens / polythene / examples / src / app / list-tile / list-tile.es6.js View on Github external
content: m('.demo-list', [
                m.component(listTile, {
                    title: titleLineText,
                    subtitle: infoDoubleLineText
                m.component(listTile, {
                    title: titleLineText,
                    subtitle: infoDoubleLineText
                m.component(listTile, {
                    title: titleLineText,
                    subtitle: infoDoubleLineText
        m.component(titleBlock, {
            title: 'Three lines',
            content: m('.demo-list', [
                m.component(listTile, {
                    title: titleLineText,
                    highSubtitle: infoDoubleLineText
                m.component(listTile, {
                    title: titleLineText,
                    highSubtitle: infoDoubleLineText
                m.component(listTile, {
                    title: titleLineText,
                    highSubtitle: infoDoubleLineText