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if (textNormalization) {
'botframework-directlinespeech: Text normalization is currently not supported; ignoring "textNormalization".'
if (userID || username) {
'botframework-directlinespeech: Custom "userId" and "username" are currently not supported and are ignored.'
let config;
if (authorizationToken) {
config = BotFrameworkConfig.fromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, region);
} else {
config = BotFrameworkConfig.fromSubscription(subscriptionKey, region);
// Supported options can be found in DialogConnectorFactory.js.
// Set the language used for recognition.
config.setProperty(PropertyId.SpeechServiceConnection_RecoLanguage, speechRecognitionLanguage);
// The following code sets the output format.
// As advised by the Speech team, this API may be subject to future changes.
// We are not enabling output format option because it does not send detailed output format to the bot, rendering this option useless.
// config.setProperty(PropertyId.SpeechServiceResponse_OutputFormatOption, OutputFormat[OutputFormat.Detailed]);
// Set the user ID for starting the conversation.
userID && config.setProperty(PropertyId.Conversation_From_Id, userID);