How to use the metro-config/src/defaults/defaults.providesModuleNodeModules function in metro-config

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few metro-config examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Marwan01 / food-converter / node_modules / metro / src / ModuleGraph / node-haste / node-haste.js View on Github external
platform = options.platform;
  const files = Object.keys(transformedFiles);

  function getTransformedFile(path) {
    const result = transformedFiles[path];

    if (!result) {
      throw new Error(`"${path} does not exist`);

    return result;

  const helpers = new DependencyGraphHelpers({
    providesModuleNodeModules: defaults.providesModuleNodeModules
  const hasteFS = new HasteFS(files);
  const moduleCache = new ModuleCache(
    filePath => hasteFS.closest(filePath, "package.json"),
  const filesByDirNameIndex = new FilesByDirNameIndex(files);
  const assetResolutionCache = new AssetResolutionCache({
    assetExtensions: new Set(assetExts),
    getDirFiles: dirPath => filesByDirNameIndex.getAllFiles(dirPath),
  const moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver({
    dirExists: filePath => hasteFS.dirExists(filePath),
    doesFileExist: filePath => hasteFS.exists(filePath),