How to use the metal-state.Config.any function in metal-state

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few metal-state examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github LiferayCloud / marble / packages / marble-banner / src / Banner.js View on Github external
* The main classes of the component.
   * @type {html|string}
  elementClasses: Config.string().value(''),

   * The class to apply visibility animation
   * @type {string}
  animationClass: Config.string().value('show-animation'),

   * The content of the component.
   * @type {html|string}
  body: Config.any(),

   * Close button.
   * @type {boolean}
   * @default true
  closeButton: {
    value: true,

   * Close button html.
   * @type {html|string}
  closeButtonHtml: Config.any(),
github LiferayCloud / marble / packages / marble-banner / src / Banner.js View on Github external
body: Config.any(),

   * Close button.
   * @type {boolean}
   * @default true
  closeButton: {
    value: true,

   * Close button html.
   * @type {html|string}
  closeButtonHtml: Config.any(),

   * Is visible flag.
   * @type {boolean}
   * @default true
  isVisible: {
    value: true,

Soy.register(Banner, templates);

export {Banner};
export default Banner;
github LiferayCloud / marble / packages / marble-button / src / Button.js View on Github external
* @default left
   * @type {?string}
  iconAlignment: Config.oneOf(['left', 'right']).value('left'),

   * @default undefined
   * @type {?(string|undefined)}
  id: Config.string(),

   * @default undefined
   * @type {?(html|string|undefined)}
  label: Config.any(),

   * @default false
   * @type {?boolean}
  loading: Config.bool().value(false),

   * @default undefined
   * @type {?(string|undefined)}
  name: Config.string(),

   * @default undefined
   * @type {?(string|undefined)}