How to use the metal-dom.dom.replace function in metal-dom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few metal-dom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github metal / metal.js / src / surfaces / SurfaceRenderer.js View on Github external
updatePlaceholderSurface_(collectedData) {
		var surface = collectedData.surface;
		var surfaceElementId = surface.surfaceElementId;
		if (surface.componentName) {
			// Elements of component surfaces are unchangeable, so we need to replace the
			// rendered element with the component's.
			dom.replace(this.component_.findElementById(surfaceElementId), this.getSurfaceElement(surfaceElementId, surface));

			// Component surfaces need to be handled in case some internal details have changed.
			this.emitRenderSurfaceEvent_(surfaceElementId, collectedData.content, collectedData.cacheContent);
		} else {
			// This surface's element has either changed or never been created yet. Let's just
			// reset it to null, so it can be fetched from the dom again when necessary. Also,
			// since there's no need to do cache checks or rerender, let's just attach its
			// listeners and cache its content manually.
			surface.element = null;
			this.cacheSurfaceContent(surfaceElementId, collectedData.cacheContent);
			this.eventsCollector_.attachListenersFromHtml(collectedData.cacheContent, surfaceElementId);
github metal / metal.js / src / surfaces / SurfaceRenderer.js View on Github external
replaceSurfaceContent_(surfaceElementId, surface, content) {
		content = this.replaceSurfacePlaceholders_(content, surfaceElementId, surface);
		if (surfaceElementId === {

		var el = this.getSurfaceElement(surfaceElementId);
		var frag = this.buildFragment_(content);
		var element = this.findElementInContent_(surfaceElementId, frag);
		if (element) {
			surface.element = element;
			dom.replace(el, surface.element);
		} else {
			dom.append(el, frag);