How to use the mdurl.format function in mdurl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mdurl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nodeca / url-unshort / lib / index.js View on Github external
    // At top level try cache first. On recursive calls skip cache.
    // !! Cache should be probed even for disabled services, to resolve old links.
    let result;

    if (nestingLeft === this.nesting) {
      result = await this.cache.get(url_normalized);

      // If cache exists - use it.
      if (result || result === null) {
        // forward hash if needed
        if (hash && result) {
          u = mdurl.parse(result, true);
          u.hash = u.hash || hash;
          result = mdurl.format(u);

        return result;

    // First pass validation (quick).

    if (!this._matchAllRE.test(url_normalized)) break;

    // Something found - run additional checks.

    let domainConfig = this._domains.find(dc => dc._compiledMatch.exec(url_normalized));
github nodeca / url-unshort / lib / index.js View on Github external
if (nestingLeft < 0) {
    throw new UnshortError('Too many redirects', 'EBADREDIRECT');

  let result = (url !== origUrl) ? url : null;

  if (shouldCache) {
    // Cache result.
    // !! use normalized original URL for cache key.
    let uo = mdurl.parse(origUrl, true);

    uo.hash = '';
    uo.protocol = uo.protocol || 'http';

    await this.cache.set(mdurl.format(uo), result);

  return result;
github MarkBind / markbind / src / lib / markbind / src / lib / markdown-it / normalizeLink.js View on Github external
if (parsed.hostname) {
    // Encode hostnames in urls like:
    // `http://host/`, `https://host/`, `mailto:user@host`, `//host/`
    // We don't encode unknown schemas, because it's likely that we encode
    // something we shouldn't (e.g. `skype:name` treated as `skype:host`)
    if (!parsed.protocol || RECODE_HOSTNAME_FOR.indexOf(parsed.protocol) >= 0) {
      try {
        parsed.hostname = punycode.toASCII(parsed.hostname);
      } catch (er) { /**/ }

  return mdurl.encode(mdurl.format(parsed));
module.exports = normalizeLink;
github nodeca / url-unshort / lib / index.js View on Github external
if (!u.protocol) {
      // set protocol for relative links like `//`
      u.protocol = 'http:';

    // user-submitted url has weird protocol, just return `null` in this case
    if (u.protocol !== 'http:' && u.protocol !== 'https:') break;

    if (u.hash) {
      // Copying browser-like behavior here: if we're not redirected to a hash,
      // but original url has one, set it as a final hash.
      hash = u.hash;
      u.hash = '';

    let url_normalized = mdurl.format(u);

    // At top level try cache first. On recursive calls skip cache.
    // !! Cache should be probed even for disabled services, to resolve old links.
    let result;

    if (nestingLeft === this.nesting) {
      result = await this.cache.get(url_normalized);

      // If cache exists - use it.
      if (result || result === null) {
        // forward hash if needed
        if (hash && result) {
          u = mdurl.parse(result, true);
          u.hash = u.hash || hash;
github christianvoigt / argdown / packages / argdown-core / src / utils.ts View on Github external
// Encode hostnames in urls like:
    // `http://host/`, `https://host/`, `mailto:user@host`, `//host/`
    // We don't encode unknown schemas, because it's likely that we encode
    // something we shouldn't (e.g. `skype:name` treated as `skype:host`)
    if (!parsed.protocol || RECODE_HOSTNAME_FOR.indexOf(parsed.protocol) >= 0) {
      try {
        parsed.hostname = punycode.toASCII(parsed.hostname);
      } catch (er) {

  return mdurl.encode(mdurl.format(parsed));
github nodeca / nodeca.core / lib / parser / beautify_url.js View on Github external
url.hostname = subdomains.join('.');
      url_str = mdurl.format(url);

      if (text_length(url_str) <= max_path_length) return elide_text(url_str, max);

    while (subdomains.length > 2) {
      url.hostname = '…' + subdomains.join('.');
      url_str = mdurl.format(url);

      if (text_length(url_str) <= max_path_length) return elide_text(url_str, max);

  return elide_text(mdurl.format(url), max);


URL utilities for markdown-it

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