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export const properties: { [property: string]: Pick } = {
'alignment-baseline': {
'auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical',
initial: 'see property description',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
'baseline-shift': {
syntax: 'baseline | sub | super | | ',
initial: 'baseline',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
clip: styleProperties.clip,
'clip-path': styleProperties['clip-path'],
'clip-rule': {
syntax: 'nonzero | evenodd',
initial: 'nonzero',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
color: styleProperties.color,
'color-interpolation': {
syntax: 'auto | sRGB | linearRGB',
initial: 'sRGB',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'color-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality',
'baseline-shift': {
syntax: 'baseline | sub | super | | ',
initial: 'baseline',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
clip: styleProperties.clip,
'clip-path': styleProperties['clip-path'],
'clip-rule': {
syntax: 'nonzero | evenodd',
initial: 'nonzero',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
color: styleProperties.color,
'color-interpolation': {
syntax: 'auto | sRGB | linearRGB',
initial: 'sRGB',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'color-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
cursor: styleProperties.cursor,
direction: styleProperties.direction,
display: styleProperties.display,
'dominant-baseline': {
media: 'visual',
color: styleProperties.color,
'color-interpolation': {
syntax: 'auto | sRGB | linearRGB',
initial: 'sRGB',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'color-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
cursor: styleProperties.cursor,
direction: styleProperties.direction,
display: styleProperties.display,
'dominant-baseline': {
'auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
fill: {
syntax: '',
initial: 'black',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'fill-opacity': {
color: styleProperties.color,
'color-interpolation': {
syntax: 'auto | sRGB | linearRGB',
initial: 'sRGB',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'color-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
cursor: styleProperties.cursor,
direction: styleProperties.direction,
display: styleProperties.display,
'dominant-baseline': {
'auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
fill: {
syntax: '',
initial: 'black',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'fill-opacity': {
syntax: '',
color: styleProperties.color,
'color-interpolation': {
syntax: 'auto | sRGB | linearRGB',
initial: 'sRGB',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'color-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
cursor: styleProperties.cursor,
direction: styleProperties.direction,
display: styleProperties.display,
'dominant-baseline': {
'auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
fill: {
syntax: '',
initial: 'black',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'fill-opacity': {
syntax: '',
initial: '1',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'fill-opacity': {
syntax: '',
initial: '1',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'fill-rule': {
syntax: 'nonzero | evenodd',
initial: 'nonzero',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
filter: styleProperties.filter,
'flood-color': {
syntax: 'currentColor | ',
initial: 'black',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
'flood-opacity': {
syntax: '',
initial: '1',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
font: styleProperties.font,
'font-family': styleProperties['font-family'],
'font-size': styleProperties['font-size'],
'font-size-adjust': styleProperties['font-size-adjust'],
media: 'visual',
filter: styleProperties.filter,
'flood-color': {
syntax: 'currentColor | ',
initial: 'black',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
'flood-opacity': {
syntax: '',
initial: '1',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
font: styleProperties.font,
'font-family': styleProperties['font-family'],
'font-size': styleProperties['font-size'],
'font-size-adjust': styleProperties['font-size-adjust'],
'font-stretch': styleProperties['font-stretch'],
'font-style': styleProperties['font-style'],
'font-variant': styleProperties['font-variant'],
'font-weight': styleProperties['font-weight'],
'glyph-orientation-vertical': {
syntax: 'auto | | ',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'image-rendering': styleProperties['image-rendering'],
'letter-spacing': styleProperties['letter-spacing'],
'lighting-color': {
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'marker-mid': {
syntax: 'none | ',
initial: 'none',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'marker-start': {
syntax: 'none | ',
initial: 'none',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
mask: styleProperties.mask,
opacity: styleProperties.opacity,
overflow: styleProperties.overflow,
'paint-order': styleProperties['paint-order'],
'pointer-events': styleProperties['pointer-events'],
'shape-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'stop-color': {
syntax: 'currentColor | ',
initial: 'black',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
media: 'visual',
'marker-mid': {
syntax: 'none | ',
initial: 'none',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'marker-start': {
syntax: 'none | ',
initial: 'none',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
mask: styleProperties.mask,
opacity: styleProperties.opacity,
overflow: styleProperties.overflow,
'paint-order': styleProperties['paint-order'],
'pointer-events': styleProperties['pointer-events'],
'shape-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'stop-color': {
syntax: 'currentColor | ',
initial: 'black',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
'stop-opacity': {
'marker-mid': {
syntax: 'none | ',
initial: 'none',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'marker-start': {
syntax: 'none | ',
initial: 'none',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
mask: styleProperties.mask,
opacity: styleProperties.opacity,
overflow: styleProperties.overflow,
'paint-order': styleProperties['paint-order'],
'pointer-events': styleProperties['pointer-events'],
'shape-rendering': {
syntax: 'auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision',
initial: 'auto',
inherited: true,
media: 'visual',
'stop-color': {
syntax: 'currentColor | ',
initial: 'black',
inherited: false,
media: 'visual',
'stop-opacity': {
syntax: '',