How to use maxmind - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few maxmind examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github runk / node-maxmind / examples / city.js View on Github external
var maxmind = require('maxmind');
maxmind.init(__dirname + '/GeoLiteCity.dat');

// The returned location object has the following properties:
// countryCode, countryName, region, city, latitude, longitude
// postalCode, metroCode, dmaCode, areaCode
console.log('Location:', maxmind.getLocation(''));
github runk / node-maxmind / examples / city.js View on Github external
var maxmind = require('maxmind');
maxmind.init(__dirname + '/GeoLiteCity.dat');

// The returned location object has the following properties:
// countryCode, countryName, region, city, latitude, longitude
// postalCode, metroCode, dmaCode, areaCode
console.log('Location:', maxmind.getLocation(''));
github jolav / codetabs / geolocation-ip / server / geolocationTask.js View on Github external
function getDataFromDB (req, res, format, ip) {
  const dbpath = __dirname + '/db/GeoLite2-City.mmdb';, function (err, cityLookup) {
    if (err) {
      console.log('Error => ', err);
      let text = 'Error accessing database. Try again';
      sendResult(res, 'json', text, 500);
    data = cityLookup.get(ip);
    if (data === null) { // not in database
      sendResult(res, format, geoData, 200);
    geoData = handleGeoData(ip, data);
    sendResult(res, format, geoData, 200);
github wireapp / wire-webapp / server / routes / Root.ts View on Github external
async function addGeoIP(req: Request) {
  let countryCode = '';

  try {
    const ip = req.header('X-Forwarded-For') || req.ip;
    const lookup = await;
    const result = lookup.get(ip);
    if (result) {
      countryCode =;
  } catch (error) {
    // It's okay to go without a detected country.
  } = countryCode;
github omgimanerd / / server / analytics.js View on Github external
 * Milliseconds in an hour, the duration which analytics data will be cached.
 * @type {number}
const CACHE_KEEP_TIME = 3600000

 * Name of the MMDB file, which is assumed to be in the server directory.
 * @type {string}
const MMDB_FILE = 'server/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'

const cache = {}

// eslint-disable-next-line no-sync
const maxmindDb = maxmind.openSync(MMDB_FILE)

 * Looks up an IP address in the maxmind database.
 * @param {string} ip The IP address to look up.
 * @return {?Object}
const lookupIp = ip => {
  return maxmindDb.get(ip || '')

 * Fetches analytics on recent site traffic and returns a Promise
 * @param {string} file file to fetch analytics data from.
 * @return {Promise}
const get = file => {
github mozilla / fxa / packages / fxa-geodb / lib / fxa-geodb.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(options) {
  'use strict';

  options = options || {};
  var dbPath = options.dbPath || DEFAULTS.DB_PATH;

  const dbLookup = maxmind.openSync(dbPath);

  return (ip, options = {}) => {
    const userLocale = options.userLocale || DEFAULTS.USER_LOCALE;

    // check if ip is valid
    if (!maxmind.validate(ip)) {
      throw new Error(ERRORS.IS_INVALID);

    const locationData = dbLookup.get(ip);
    if (locationData == null) {
      throw new Error(ERRORS.UNABLE_TO_FETCH_DATA);

    // return an object with city, country, continent,
    // latitude, and longitude, and timezone
github mozilla / fxa / packages / fxa-geodb / lib / fxa-geodb.js View on Github external
return (ip, options = {}) => {
    const userLocale = options.userLocale || DEFAULTS.USER_LOCALE;

    // check if ip is valid
    if (!maxmind.validate(ip)) {
      throw new Error(ERRORS.IS_INVALID);

    const locationData = dbLookup.get(ip);
    if (locationData == null) {
      throw new Error(ERRORS.UNABLE_TO_FETCH_DATA);

    // return an object with city, country, continent,
    // latitude, and longitude, and timezone
    return new Location(locationData, userLocale);
github bpaquet / node-logstash / test / test_214_filter_geoip.js View on Github external
var vows = require('vows'),
  geoip = require('geoip-lite'),
  maxmind = require('maxmind'),
  filter_helper = require('./filter_helper');

maxmind.init(['test/maxmind/GeoIPCity.dat', 'test/maxmind/GeoIPASNum.dat']);

var ip1 = '';
var ip1_res = geoip.lookup(ip1);
var ip1_res_maxmind = maxmind.getLocation(ip1);

var ip2 = '';
var ip2_res = geoip.lookup(ip2);
var ip2_res_maxmind = maxmind.getLocation(ip2);

vows.describe('Filter Geoip ').addBatch({
  'normal': filter_helper.create('geoip', 'ip', [
      'titi': 'tata'
      'titi': 'tata',
      'ip': 'toto'
      'titi': 'tata',
github bpaquet / node-logstash / test / test_214_filter_geoip.js View on Github external
var vows = require('vows'),
  geoip = require('geoip-lite'),
  maxmind = require('maxmind'),
  filter_helper = require('./filter_helper');

maxmind.init(['test/maxmind/GeoIPCity.dat', 'test/maxmind/GeoIPASNum.dat']);

var ip1 = '';
var ip1_res = geoip.lookup(ip1);
var ip1_res_maxmind = maxmind.getLocation(ip1);

var ip2 = '';
var ip2_res = geoip.lookup(ip2);
var ip2_res_maxmind = maxmind.getLocation(ip2);

vows.describe('Filter Geoip ').addBatch({
  'normal': filter_helper.create('geoip', 'ip', [
      'titi': 'tata'
      'titi': 'tata',
      'ip': 'toto'
      'titi': 'tata',
      'ip': ip1
      'titi': 'tata',
github runk / node-maxmind / examples / distance.js View on Github external
var maxmind = require('maxmind');
maxmind.init(__dirname + '/GeoLiteCity.dat');

var fromLocation = maxmind.getLocation('');
var toLocation = maxmind.getLocation('');

console.log('From:\t', fromLocation.countryName,;
console.log('To:\t', toLocation.countryName,;
console.log('Dist:\t', toLocation.distance(fromLocation));


IP lookup using Maxmind databases

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