How to use the function in matrix-js-snippets

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few matrix-js-snippets examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github turt2live / matrix-voyager-bot / src / bot / voyager.ts View on Github external
private onLeave(roomId: string, event: any) {
        if (event['sender'] === VoyagerBot.userId) {
            // Probably a self kick or operator action
            // TODO: Record soft kick (#160)
        } else if (event['content'] && event['content']['membership'] === 'ban') {
            // Banned
            this.addKickBan(roomId, event, 'ban');
        } else if (event['unsigned'] && event['unsigned']['prev_content'] && event['unsigned']['prev_content']['membership'] === 'ban') {
            // TODO: Handle unbanned state?
  "Voyager", event['sender'] + " has unbanned us in " + roomId);
        } else {
            // Kicked
            this.addKickBan(roomId, event, 'kick');
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / api / dimension / DimensionIrcService.ts View on Github external
public async unlink(@QueryParam("scalar_token") scalarToken: string, @PathParam("networkId") networkId: string, @PathParam("channel") channelNoHash: string, @PathParam("roomId") roomId: string): Promise {
        const userId = await this.accountController.getTokenOwner(scalarToken);

        const parsed = IrcBridge.parseNetworkId(networkId);
        const bridge = await IrcBridgeRecord.findByPk(parsed.bridgeId);
        if (!bridge) throw new ApiError(404, "Bridge not found");

        const client = new IrcBridge(userId);
        await client.removeLink(bridge, parsed.bridgeNetworkId, "#" + channelNoHash, roomId);"DimensionIrcService", userId + " unlinked #" + channelNoHash + " on " + networkId + " from " + roomId);
        return {}; // 200 OK
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / api / Webserver.ts View on Github external
private loadRoutes() {
        // TODO: Rename services to controllers, and controllers to services. They're backwards.

        const apis = ["scalar", "dimension", "admin", "matrix"].map(a => path.join(__dirname, a, "*.js"));
        const router = express.Router();
        Server.registerAuthenticator(new MatrixSecurity());
        apis.forEach(a => Server.loadServices(router, [a]));
        const routes = _.uniq( => r.route.path));
        for (const route of routes) {
  , (_req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));
  "Webserver", "Registered route: " + route);

        // We register the default route last to make sure we don't override anything by accident.
        // We'll pass off all other requests to the web app\/|riot\/|\/)*/, (_req, res) => {
            res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "web", "index.html"));

        // Set up the error handler any, _req, res, next) => {
            if (err instanceof ApiError) {
                // Don't do anything for 'connection reset'
                if (res.headersSent) return next(err);

                LogService.warn("Webserver", "Handling ApiError " + err.statusCode + " " + JSON.stringify(err.jsonResponse));
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / db / AppserviceStore.ts View on Github external
public static async registerUser(appserviceId: string, userId: string): Promise {
        const appservice = await AppService.findOne({where: {id: appserviceId}});
        if (!appservice) throw new Error("Appservice not found");"AppserviceStore", "Registering to own " + userId + " in appservice " + appserviceId);
        const client = new MatrixAppserviceClient(appservice);
        const localpart = AppserviceStore.getSafeUserId(userId.substring(1).split(":")[0]);
        const response = await client.registerUser(localpart);"AppserviceStore", "Successfully registered " + userId);

        return await AppServiceUser.create({
            id: userId,
            appserviceId: appserviceId,
            accessToken: response.access_token,
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / api / admin / AdminCustomSimpleBotService.ts View on Github external
public async createBot(@QueryParam("scalar_token") scalarToken: string, request: BotRequest): Promise {
        const userId = await AdminService.validateAndGetAdminTokenOwner(scalarToken);

        const bot = await BotStore.createCustom(request);"AdminCustomSimpleBotService", userId + " created a simple bot");
        return bot;
github turt2live / matrix-appservice-webhooks / src / provisioning / ProvisioningService.js View on Github external
deleteWebhook(roomId, userId, hookId) {"ProvisioningService", "Processing delete hook (" + hookId + ") request for " + roomId + " by " + userId);

        return this.hasPermission(userId, roomId)
            .then(async () => {
                const webhooks = await WebhookStore.listWebhooks(roomId);
                if (webhooks.length === 1 && webhooks[0].id === hookId) {
                    await this._intent.leave(roomId);
                return WebhookStore.deleteWebhook(roomId, hookId)
            }, () => Promise.reject(this.PERMISSION_ERROR_MESSAGE));
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / index.ts View on Github external
    debug: (module: string, ...args: any[]) => =>"BotSdk-" + module, a)),
    info: (module: string, ...args: any[]) => =>"BotSdk-" + module, a)),
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / api / admin / AdminUpstreamService.ts View on Github external
public async createUpstream(@QueryParam("scalar_token") scalarToken: string, request: NewUpstreamRequest): Promise {
        const userId = await AdminService.validateAndGetAdminTokenOwner(scalarToken);

        const upstream = await Upstream.create({
            type: request.type,
            scalarUrl: request.scalarUrl,
            apiUrl: request.apiUrl,
        });"AdminUpstreamService", userId + " created a new upstream");
        return this.mapUpstream(upstream);
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / api / dimension / DimensionIrcService.ts View on Github external
public async getOps(@QueryParam("scalar_token") scalarToken: string, @PathParam("networkId") networkId: string, @PathParam("channel") channelNoHash: string): Promise {
        const userId = await this.accountController.getTokenOwner(scalarToken);

        const parsed = IrcBridge.parseNetworkId(networkId);
        const bridge = await IrcBridgeRecord.findByPk(parsed.bridgeId);
        if (!bridge) throw new ApiError(404, "Bridge not found");

        const client = new IrcBridge(userId);
        const operators = await client.getOperators(bridge, parsed.bridgeNetworkId, "#" + channelNoHash);"DimensionIrcService", userId + " listed the operators for #" + channelNoHash + " on " + networkId);
        return operators;
github turt2live / matrix-dimension / src / api / admin / AdminCustomSimpleBotService.ts View on Github external
public async updateBot(@QueryParam("scalar_token") scalarToken: string, @PathParam("botId") botId: number, request: BotRequest): Promise {
        const userId = await AdminService.validateAndGetAdminTokenOwner(scalarToken);

        const bot = await BotStore.updateCustom(botId, request);"AdminCustomSimpleBotService", userId + " updated a simple bot");
        return bot;


A small collection of JS snippets for matrix bots

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