How to use math-random - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few math-random examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / botframework-solutions / solutions / testharnesses / typescript / assistant-WebChat / packages / app / src / index.js View on Github external
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
import App from './App';

import connectUsingSecret from './redux/actions/connectUsingSecret';
import connectUsingTokenServer from './redux/actions/connectUsingTokenServer';
import enableSpeechUsingSecret from './redux/actions/enableSpeechUsingSecret';
import enableSpeechUsingTokenServer from './redux/actions/enableSpeechUsingTokenServer';
import createStore from './redux/createStore';

const store = createStore();

// TODO: Move it somewhere
const { directLineSecret, speechServicesSubscriptionKey } = store.getState();

if (directLineSecret) {
  store.dispatch(connectUsingSecret(directLineSecret, random().toString(36).substr(2, 10)));
} else {

if (speechServicesSubscriptionKey) {
} else {

github microsoft / botframework-solutions / solutions / testharnesses / typescript / assistant-WebChat / packages / server / src / index.js View on Github external'/api/directline/token', async (_, res) => {
    // TODO: We should rate-limit to prevent abuse
    try {
      const userID = `dl_${ random().toString(36).substr(2, 10) }`;
      const tokenRes = await fetch('', {
        body: JSON.stringify({
          User: { Id: userID }
        headers: {
          authorization: `Bearer ${ directLineSecret }`,
          'content-type': 'application/json'
        method: 'POST'

      if (!tokenRes.ok) {
        return res.send(503, { message: 'failed to exchange Direct Line secret', innerStatus: tokenRes.status });

      const { expires_in: expiresIn, token } = JSON.parse(await tokenRes.text());
github microsoft / BotFramework-WebChat / samples / 19.a.single-sign-on-for-enterprise-apps / rest-api / src / index.js View on Github external

const random = require('math-random');

// Setting default environment variables.
process.env = {
  AAD_OAUTH_PKCE_SALT: random.toString(36).substr(2),
  AAD_OAUTH_SCOPE: 'User.Read',
  GITHUB_OAUTH_SCOPE: 'user:email',
  GITHUB_OAUTH_STATE_SALT: random.toString(36).substr(2),
  PORT: '5000',
  STATIC_FILES: 'public',

// Checks for required environment variables.
].forEach(name => {
  if (!process.env[name]) {
    throw new Error(`Environment variable ${name} must be set.`);
github microsoft / BotFramework-WebChat / samples / 19.c.single-sign-on-for-teams-apps / web / src / index.js View on Github external

const random = require('math-random');

// Setting default environment variables.
process.env = {
  OAUTH_PKCE_SALT: random.toString(36).substr(2),
  OAUTH_SCOPE: 'User.Read',
  PORT: '5000',
  STATIC_FILES: 'public',

// Checks for required environment variables.
  if (!process.env[name]) {
    throw new Error(`Environment variable ${name} must be set.`);

const { join } = require('path');
const restify = require('restify');
github microsoft / botframework-solutions / solutions / testharnesses / typescript / assistant-WebChat / packages / app / src / redux / actions / connectUsingSecret.js View on Github external
export default function (secret, userID = `dl_${ random().toString(36).substr(2, 10) }`) {
  return async dispatch => {
    dispatch({ type: CONNECT_PENDING });

    try {
      const tokenRes = await fetch('', {
        body: JSON.stringify({
          User: { Id: userID }
        headers: {
          authorization: `Bearer ${ secret }`,
          'content-type': 'application/json'
        method: 'POST'

      if (!tokenRes.ok) {
github microsoft / BotFramework-WebChat / packages / core / src / utils / uniqueID.js View on Github external
export default function uniqueID() {
  return ( +
github jonschlinkert / randomatic / index.js View on Github external
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert.
 * Released under the MIT License.

'use strict';

var isNumber = require('is-number');
var typeOf = require('kind-of');
var mathRandom = require('math-random');

 * Expose `randomatic`

module.exports = randomatic;
module.exports.isCrypto = !!mathRandom.cryptographic;

 * Available mask characters

var type = {
  lower: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
  number: '0123456789',
  special: '~!@#$%^&()_+-={}[];\',.'

type.all = type.lower + type.upper + type.number + type.special;

 * Generate random character sequences of a specified `length`,


math-random is an isomorphic, drop-in replacement for `Math.random` that uses cryptographically secure random number generation, where available

Latest version published 5 years ago

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