How to use marksy - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few marksy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mineral-ui / mineral-ui / src / website / app / Markdown.js View on Github external
const Markdown = (props: MarkdownProps) => {
  const {
  } = props;
  const rootProps = {
    className: className ? `markdown ${className}` : 'markdown',

  const compile = marksy({
    elements: {
      a({ href, children }: mdLinkProps) {
        let linkProps = { to: href };
        if (isNormalLink(href)) {
          if (standalone && href.startsWith('#')) {
            // When viewing a standalone example, convert any same-page anchor
            // links to routed ones
            linkProps = { to: href.replace('#', '') };
          } else {
            linkProps = { href };
        return {children};
      blockquote(props) {
github appnexus / lucid / .storybook / lucid-docs-addon / index.js View on Github external
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import addons from '@storybook/addons';
import { getPropsData, stripIndent} from './util';
import marksy from 'marksy';

const compile = marksy({ createElement: React.createElement });

const isReactComponent = value =>
	typeof value === 'function' &&
	value.prototype &&

const isChildComponent = (value, key) =>
	isReactComponent(value) || (/^[A-Z]/.test(key) && _.isFunction(value));

const getChildComponentsData = (
	maxRecursiveHeight = 1,
	recursiveHeight = 0,
	path = []
) => {
	if (recursiveHeight >= maxRecursiveHeight) {
github Checkfront / react-storybook-addon-chapters / src / utils / info-content.js View on Github external
export default function renderInfoContent(content) {
  const marksyConf = { ...defaultMarksyConf };
  const markdownInfo = marksy(marksyConf, content);

  if (!content || content === '' || typeof content !== 'string') {
    return null;

  const lines = content.split('\n');
  while (lines[0].trim() === '') {
  let padding = 0;
  const matches = lines[0].match(/^ */);
  if (matches) {
    padding = matches[0].length;
  const source = => s.slice(padding)).join('\n');
github Popmotion / popmotion / packages / site / pages / pure / api / listen.js View on Github external
import { createElement } from 'react';
import marksy from 'marksy/components';
import { A, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, P, Li, Ol, Ul, Hr, Code, Blockquote, ArticleHeader, Video } from '~/templates/global/styled';
import { Img } from '~/templates/content/styled';
import ContentTemplate from '~/templates/content/Template';
import Example from '~/components/examples/Example';
import CodePen from '~/components/examples/CodePen';

const removeEmpty = filename => filename !== '';

const convertMarkdown = marksy({
  elements: {
    a: A,
    h1: ArticleHeader,
    h2: H2,
    h3: H3,
    h4: H4,
    h5: H5,
    p: P,
    code: Code,
    li: Li,
    ol: Ol,
    ul: Ul,
    hr: Hr,
    img: Img,
    blockquote: Blockquote,
github Popmotion / popmotion / site / pages / stylefire / api / create-styler.js View on Github external
import { createElement } from 'react';
import marksy from 'marksy/components';
import { A, H1, H2, H3, H4, P, Li, Ul, Hr, Code, Blockquote, ArticleHeader } from '~/templates/global/styled';
import { Img } from '~/templates/content/styled';
import ContentTemplate from '~/templates/content/Template';
import Example from '~/components/examples/Example';
import CodePen from '~/components/examples/CodePen';

const removeEmpty = filename => filename !== '';

const convertMarkdown = marksy({
  elements: {
    a: A,
    h1: ArticleHeader,
    h2: H2,
    h3: H3,
    h4: H4,
    p: P,
    code: Code,
    li: Li,
    ul: Ul,
    hr: Hr,
    img: Img,
    blockquote: Blockquote,
  components: {
github Popmotion / popmotion / packages / site / pages / pure / api / action.js View on Github external
import { createElement } from 'react';
import marksy from 'marksy/components';
import { A, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, P, Li, Ol, Ul, Hr, Code, Blockquote, ArticleHeader, Video } from '~/templates/global/styled';
import { Img } from '~/templates/content/styled';
import ContentTemplate from '~/templates/content/Template';
import Example from '~/components/examples/Example';
import CodePen from '~/components/examples/CodePen';

const removeEmpty = filename => filename !== '';

const convertMarkdown = marksy({
  elements: {
    a: A,
    h1: ArticleHeader,
    h2: H2,
    h3: H3,
    h4: H4,
    h5: H5,
    p: P,
    code: Code,
    li: Li,
    ol: Ol,
    ul: Ul,
    hr: Hr,
    img: Img,
    blockquote: Blockquote,
github Popmotion / popmotion / packages / site / pages / stylefire / api / html.js View on Github external
import { createElement } from 'react';
import marksy from 'marksy/components';
import { A, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, P, Li, Ol, Ul, Hr, Code, Blockquote, ArticleHeader, Video } from '~/templates/global/styled';
import { Img } from '~/templates/content/styled';
import ContentTemplate from '~/templates/content/Template';
import Example from '~/components/examples/Example';
import CodePen from '~/components/examples/CodePen';
import CodeSandbox from '~/components/examples/CodeSandbox';
import TOC from '~/templates/content/TableOfContents';

const removeEmpty = filename => filename !== '';

const convertMarkdown = marksy({
  elements: {
    a: A,
    h1: ArticleHeader,
    h2: H2,
    h3: H3,
    h4: H4,
    h5: H5,
    p: P,
    code: Code,
    li: Li,
    ol: Ol,
    ul: Ul,
    hr: Hr,
    img: Img,
    blockquote: Blockquote,
github Popmotion / popmotion / packages / site / pages / pure / learn / velocity-and-physics.js View on Github external
import { createElement } from 'react';
import marksy from 'marksy/components';
import { A, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, P, Li, Ol, Ul, Hr, Code, Blockquote, ArticleHeader, Video } from '~/templates/global/styled';
import { Img } from '~/templates/content/styled';
import ContentTemplate from '~/templates/content/Template';
import Example from '~/components/examples/Example';
import CodePen from '~/components/examples/CodePen';

const removeEmpty = filename => filename !== '';

const convertMarkdown = marksy({
  elements: {
    a: A,
    h1: ArticleHeader,
    h2: H2,
    h3: H3,
    h4: H4,
    h5: H5,
    p: P,
    code: Code,
    li: Li,
    ol: Ol,
    ul: Ul,
    hr: Hr,
    img: Img,
    blockquote: Blockquote,
github Popmotion / popmotion / packages / site / pages / pure / learn / input-smoothing.js View on Github external
import { createElement } from 'react';
import marksy from 'marksy/components';
import { A, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, P, Li, Ol, Ul, Hr, Code, Blockquote, ArticleHeader, Video } from '~/templates/global/styled';
import { Img } from '~/templates/content/styled';
import ContentTemplate from '~/templates/content/Template';
import Example from '~/components/examples/Example';
import CodePen from '~/components/examples/CodePen';

const removeEmpty = filename => filename !== '';

const convertMarkdown = marksy({
  elements: {
    a: A,
    h1: ArticleHeader,
    h2: H2,
    h3: H3,
    h4: H4,
    h5: H5,
    p: P,
    code: Code,
    li: Li,
    ol: Ol,
    ul: Ul,
    hr: Hr,
    img: Img,
    blockquote: Blockquote,
github Popmotion / popmotion / packages / site / pages / pure / api / value.js View on Github external
import { createElement } from 'react';
import marksy from 'marksy/components';
import { A, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, P, Li, Ol, Ul, Hr, Code, Blockquote, ArticleHeader, Video } from '~/templates/global/styled';
import { Img } from '~/templates/content/styled';
import ContentTemplate from '~/templates/content/Template';
import Example from '~/components/examples/Example';
import CodePen from '~/components/examples/CodePen';

const removeEmpty = filename => filename !== '';

const convertMarkdown = marksy({
  elements: {
    a: A,
    h1: ArticleHeader,
    h2: H2,
    h3: H3,
    h4: H4,
    h5: H5,
    p: P,
    code: Code,
    li: Li,
    ol: Ol,
    ul: Ul,
    hr: Hr,
    img: Img,
    blockquote: Blockquote,


Convert markdown into react components

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