How to use longest - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few longest examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pixeloven / pixeloven / packages / pixeloven / cz-simplified-changelog / src / engine.ts View on Github external
export default (options: Options) => {
    const types = options.types;
    const length: number = longest(Object.keys(types)).length + 1;
    const choices = map(types, (type, key) => {
        return {
            name: rightPad(key + ":", length) + " " + type.description,
            value: key,

    return {
        // When a user runs `git cz`, prompter will
        // be executed. We pass you cz, which currently
        // is just an instance of inquirer.js. Using
        // this you can ask questions and get answers.
        // The commit callback should be executed when
        // you're ready to send back a commit template
        // to git.
github stevenvachon / broken-link-checker / lib / cli.js View on Github external
let broken;

	if ( > 0)
		broken =>0 ? red : green;
		broken = gray;

	output += broken(`\nLinks broken: ${}`);
	output += gray("\nTime elapsed: ");
	output += gray( humanizeDuration( -, {largest:2, round:true}) );

	const separator = gray("=".repeat( longest(stripAnsi(output).split("\n")).length ));



Get the longest item in an array.

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