How to use the lodash.assign function in lodash

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few lodash examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github serverless-heaven / serverless-aws-alias / lib / stackops / lambdaRole.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(currentTemplate, aliasStackTemplates, currentAliasStackTemplate) {

	const stageStack = this._serverless.service.provider.compiledCloudFormationTemplate;
	const aliasStack = this._serverless.service.provider.compiledCloudFormationAliasTemplate;

	// There can be a service role defined. In this case there is no embedded IAM role.
	if (_.has(this._serverless.service.provider, 'role')) {
		// Use the role if any of the aliases reference it
		aliasStack.Outputs.AliasFlags.Value.hasRole = true;

		// Import all defined roles from the current template (without overwriting)
		const currentRoles = _.assign({}, _.pickBy(currentTemplate.Resources, (resource, name) => resource.Type === 'AWS::IAM::Role' && /^IamRoleLambdaExecution/.test(name)));
		_.defaults(stageStack.Resources, currentRoles);

		// Remove old role for this alias
		delete stageStack.Resources[`IamRoleLambdaExecution${this._alias}`];

		return BbPromise.resolve([ currentTemplate, aliasStackTemplates, currentAliasStackTemplate ]);

	// Role name allows [\w+=,.@-]+
	const normalizedAlias = utils.normalizeAliasForLogicalId(this._alias);
	const roleLogicalId = `IamRoleLambdaExecution${normalizedAlias}`;
	const role = stageStack.Resources.IamRoleLambdaExecution;

	// Set role name
github CVCEeu-dh / histograph / migration / reconcile.js View on Github external
// Invalid DAtes
            if(isNaN(dates.start_time) || isNaN(dates.end_time)) {
              console.log('invadild Date', n, dates);
                service: 'humanDate',
                content: 'Reconciliation: fill #date with a correct time span for **' + + '**'
              }, function(err, nodes) {
                if(err) {
                  throw err;
                //batch.relate(nodes[0], 'questions', v, {upvote: 1, downvote:0});
            } else {
              n = _.assign(n, dates);
    , function(err, node) {
                if(err) {
                  throw err;
github tidepool-org / blip / app / pages / patientdata / patientdata.js View on Github external
bgUnits: processedData.bgUnits

        this.dataUtil = new DataUtil(
, 'grouped.upload', [])),
          { bgPrefs, timePrefs }

        // Set default bgSource for basics based on whether there is any cbg data in the current view.
        const basicsChartPrefs = _.assign({}, this.state.chartPrefs.basics, {
          bgSource: _.get(processedData, '') ? 'cbg' : 'smbg',

          chartPrefs: _.assign({}, this.state.chartPrefs, { basics: basicsChartPrefs }),
          lastDatumProcessedIndex: lastDatumToProcessIndex,
          loading: false,
          processedPatientData: processedData,
          processingData: false,
        }, () => {
          this.handleInitialProcessedData(props, processedData, patientSettings);
          props.trackMetric('Processed initial patient data', { patientID });
      else {
        // We don't need full processing for subsequent data. We just add and preprocess the new datums.
        const bgUnits = _.get(this.state, 'processedPatientData.bgUnits');
github postmanlabs / postman-runtime / lib / runner / request-helpers-presend.js View on Github external
_.forEach(results, function (result) {
                            // Insert individual param above the current formparam
                            result && formdata.insert(new sdk.FormParam(_.assign(formparam.toJSON(), result)),
github probmods / webppl / src / View on Github external
var wpplFns = _.chain(distributions)
    .mapValues(function(ctor) {
      return function(s, k, a, params) {
        if (arguments.length > 4) {
          throw new Error('Too many arguments. Distributions take at most one argument.');
        return k(s, new ctor(params));
    .mapKeys(function(ctor, name) {
      return 'make' + name;

module.exports = _.assign({
  // rng
  betaSample: betaSample,
  binomialSample: binomialSample,
  discreteSample: discreteSample,
  gaussianSample: gaussianSample,
  tensorGaussianSample: tensorGaussianSample,
  laplaceSample: laplaceSample,
  tensorLaplaceSample: tensorLaplaceSample,
  gammaSample: gammaSample,
  dirichletSample: dirichletSample,
  poissonSample: poissonSample,
  // helpers
  serialize: serialize,
  deserialize: deserialize,
  squishToProbSimplex: squishToProbSimplex,
  isDist: isDist,
github atlassian / jira-cloud-for-sketch / src / views / web / issues / model / Issue.js View on Github external
updateIssueFields (issue) {
    assign(this, omit(issue, 'attachments'))
github continuous-software / 42-cent / lib / RocketGateGateway.js View on Github external
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

            var req = new rocketgate.GatewayRequest();
            var mixin = {};

            _.assign(mixin, order);
            _.assign(mixin, creditCard);
            _.assign(mixin, prospect);
            _.assign(mixin, other);

            mixin = flat(mixin);

            req.Set(rocketgate.GatewayRequest.MERCHANT_ID, this.MERCHANT_ID);
            req.Set(rocketgate.GatewayRequest.MERCHANT_PASSWORD, this.MERCHANT_PASSWORD);

            mapKeys(mixin, transactionSchema, req);

            var res = new rocketgate.GatewayResponse();

            this._service.PerformPurchase(req, res, function cb(result, request, response) {

                var err;

                if (result) {
github VoxaAI / voxa / example / services / PartialOrder.js View on Github external
function PartialOrder(api, data) {
  data = data || {};
  this.q = {};
  _.assign(this, api);
  _.assign(this, data);
  if(data.contactBook) this.contactBook = ContactBook.fromData(api,data.contactBook);
github nodeschool / saopaulo / scripts / create.js View on Github external
}, function (error, response, body) {
    if (error) {

    const eventApiId = _.get(body, '');
    const eventApiUrl = _.get(body, 'data.links.self');
    const eventRegistrationUrl = '' + _.get(body, 'data.attributes.slug');
    const updatedData = _.assign(data, {
    callback(null, updatedData);
github Leeft / Star-Citizen-WebGL-Map / node_modules / grunt-contrib-less / tasks / less.js View on Github external
var compileLess = function(srcFile, options, callback, sourceMapCallback) {
    options = _.assign({filename: srcFile}, options);
    options.paths = options.paths || [path.dirname(srcFile)];

    if (typeof options.paths === 'function') {
      try {
        options.paths = options.paths(srcFile);
      } catch (e) {, 'Generating @import paths failed.'));

    if (typeof options.sourceMapBasepath === 'function') {
      try {
        options.sourceMapBasepath = options.sourceMapBasepath(srcFile);
      } catch (e) {, 'Generating sourceMapBasepath failed.'));