How to use ln-service - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ln-service examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Tierion / boltwall / tests / invoice.spec.ts View on Github external
beforeEach(() => {
    // boltwall sets up authenticated client when it boots up
    // need to stub this to avoid connection errors and speed up tests
    lndGrpcStub = getLnStub('authenticatedLndGrpc', { lnd: {} })
    // keep known session secret so we can decode macaroons
    sessionSecret = 'my super secret'

    envStub = getEnvStub(sessionSecret)

    const request = parsePaymentRequest({ request: invoice.payreq })

    // stubbed response for invoice related requests made through ln-service
    invoiceResponse = {
      request: invoice.payreq,
      is_confirmed: true,
      secret: invoice.secret,
      tokens: 30,
      created_at: '2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z',
      description: request.description,

    builder = getTestBuilder(sessionSecret)

    getInvStub = getLnStub('getInvoice', invoiceResponse)
    createInvStub = getLnStub('createInvoice', {
github Tierion / boltwall / src / lsat / lsat.ts View on Github external
// check if we're looking at the invoice challenge
      if (!invoice.length && c.indexOf(invoiceChallenge) > -1) {
        const split = c.split('=')
        assert(split.length === 2, 'Incorrectly encoded invoice challenge')
        invoice = split[split.length - 1].trim()
      // if there are other challenges but we have mac and invoice then we can break
      // as they are not LSAT relevant anyway
      if (invoice.length && macaroon.length) break

      invoice.length && macaroon.length,
      'Expected base64 encoded challenge with macaroon and invoice data'
    const request = parsePaymentRequest({ request: invoice })
    const paymentHash =
    const { identifier } = MacaroonsBuilder.deserialize(macaroon)

    return new this({
      id: identifier,
      baseMacaroon: macaroon,
      invoice: invoice,
github Tierion / boltwall / src / routes / parseEnv.ts View on Github external
export default function parseEnv(
  req: LndRequest,
  _res: Response,
  next: NextFunction
): void {
  try {
    // if the tests pass above and we don't have a
    // OPEN_NODE_KEY then we need to setup the lnd service
    if (!OPEN_NODE_KEY) {
      const { lnd } = lnService.authenticatedLndGrpc({
        cert: LND_TLS_CERT,
        macaroon: LND_MACAROON,
        socket: LND_SOCKET,
      req.lnd = lnd
    } else {
      const env = process.env.ENVIRONMENT || 'dev'
      const opennode = require('opennode')
      opennode.setCredentials(OPEN_NODE_KEY, env)
      req.opennode = opennode
  } catch (e) {
      'Problem with configs for connecting to lightning node:',
github alexbosworth / balanceofsatoshis / network / probe_destination.js View on Github external
getChannels: ['validate', ({}, cbk) => {
      // Exit early when there is no need to add an outgoing channel id
      if (!args.out_through) {
        return cbk();

      return getChannels({lnd: args.lnd}, cbk);
github submarineswaps / swaps-service / lightning / lightning_daemon.js View on Github external
const socket = process.env[`SSS_LND_${networkName}_GRPC_HOST`];

  if (!cert) {
    throw new Error('ExpectedDaemonCert');

  if (!macaroon) {
    throw new Error('ExpectedDaemonMacaroon');

  if (!socket) {
    throw new Error('ExpectedDaemonHost');

  try {
    lnd = authenticatedLndGrpc({cert, macaroon, socket}).lnd;
  } catch (err) {
    throw new Error('FailedToInstantiateDaemon');

  const sub = subscribeToInvoices({lnd});

  daemons[network] = {lnd, sub};

  // Clear daemon cache on errors or end of subscription
  // This subscription allows opportunistic reconnecting on remote restarts.
  daemons[network].sub.on('invoice_updated', () => {});
  daemons[network].sub.on('end', () => daemons[network] = null);
  daemons[network].sub.on('error', ({}) => daemons[network] = null);
  daemons[network].sub.on('status', () => {});

  return lnd;
github alexbosworth / balanceofsatoshis / swaps / swap_out.js View on Github external
createAddress: ['recover', 'validate', ({recover}, cbk) => {
      // Exit early when there is already a sweep address specified in recovery
      if (!!recover && recover.sweep_address) {
        return cbk(null, {address: recover.sweep_address});

      // Exit early when the sweep out address is directly specified
      if (!!args.out_address) {
        return cbk(null, {address: args.out_address});

      return createChainAddress({format: 'p2wpkh', lnd: args.lnd}, cbk);
github alexbosworth / balanceofsatoshis / routing / get_fees_chart.js View on Github external
getNode: ['validate', ({}, cbk) => {
        // Exit early when there is no via node specified
        if (!args.via) {
          return cbk();

        return getNode({lnd: args.lnd, public_key: args.via}, cbk);
github alexbosworth / balanceofsatoshis / telegram / pay_command.js View on Github external
({decodeCommand, decodeRequest, maxTokens}, cbk) =>
        let probeTimeout;

        const sub = subscribeToProbe({
          cltv_delta: decodeRequest.cltv_delta + cltvDeltaBuffer,
          destination: decodeRequest.destination,
          lnd: decodeCommand.lnd,
          path_timeout_ms: pathTimeoutMs,
          routes: decodeRequest.routes,
          tokens: decodeRequest.tokens,

        const finished = (err, res) => {


          // Switch and return the final result

          return cbk(err, res);
github Tierion / boltwall / src / helpers.ts View on Github external
export async function checkInvoiceStatus(
  lnd: any,
  opennode: any,
  invoiceId: string
): Promise {
  if (!invoiceId) throw new Error('Missing invoice id.')

  let status, amount, payreq, createdAt
  if (lnd) {
    const invoiceDetails = await lnService.getInvoice({
      id: invoiceId,
      lnd: lnd,

    // for hodl invoices, status might be "is_held"
    status = invoiceDetails['is_confirmed']
      ? 'paid'
      : invoiceDetails['is_held']
      ? 'held'
      : 'unpaid'
    amount = invoiceDetails.tokens
    payreq = invoiceDetails.request
    createdAt = invoiceDetails.created_at
  } else if (opennode) {
    const data = await opennode.chargeInfo(invoiceId)
    amount = data.amount
github submarineswaps / swaps-service / test / macros / spawn_lnd.js View on Github external
    checkLnd: ['lnd', ({lnd}, cbk) => getWalletInfo({lnd}, cbk)],