How to use the lit-html/directives/unsafe-html.unsafeHTML function in lit-html

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few lit-html examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github google / skia-buildbot / shaders / modules / shaders-app-sk / shaders-app-sk.ts View on Github external
private static displayShaderTreeImpl = (ele: ShadersAppSk, parentNode: ShaderNode | null, node: ShaderNode, depth: number = 0, name: string = '/', childIndex: number = 0): TemplateResult[] => {
    let ret: TemplateResult[] = [];
    // Prepend some fixed width spaces based on the depth so we get a nested
    // directory type of layout. See
    const prefix = new Array(depth).fill('  ').join('');
      <p class="childShader"> ele.childShaderClick(node)}&gt;
            <span class="linkish">${name}</span>
            ${(ele.rootShaderNode!.children.length &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; ele.currentNode === node) ? '*' : ''}
            ${ShadersAppSk.deleteButton(ele, parentNode, node, childIndex)}
            ${ShadersAppSk.editButton(ele, parentNode, node, childIndex)}
            <button title="Append a new child shader." class="addButton"> ele.appendChildShader(e, node)}&gt;
    node.children.forEach((childNode, index) =&gt; {
      ret = ret.concat(ShadersAppSk.displayShaderTreeImpl(ele, node, childNode, depth + 1, node.getChildShaderUniformName(index), index));
github axa-ch / patterns-library / src / components / 10-atoms / heading / index.js View on Github external
render() {
    const secondaryVariant =
      this.variant === 'secondary' ? 'a-heading--secondary' : '';

    const template = `

    return html`
github axa-ch / patterns-library / src / components / 10-atoms / input-text / index.js View on Github external
class="a-input-text__counter-info a-input-text__character-overflow-error"
            : ''
          ? html`
          : ''
github mrin9 / RapiDoc / src / components / schema-tree2.js View on Github external
                  <span class="item__descr"> 
                      ? html`<div style="color:#47afe8;"><span class="bold">Default:</span> ${itemParts[3]}</div>`
                      : ''
                      ? html`<div style="color:#47afe8;"><span class="bold">Allowed:</span>(${itemParts[4]})</div>`
                      : ''
                      ? html`<div style="color:#47afe8;"><span class="bold">Pattern:</span> ${itemParts[5]}</div>`
                      : ''
                      ? html`<span class="m-markdown m-markdown-small">${unsafeHTML(marked(itemParts[6]))}</span>`
                      : ''
                : ''
        : html`<span class="item__value"> Must be 7 parts but found ${itemParts.length}</span>`
github google / skia-buildbot / am / modules / am.ts View on Github external
export function linkify(s: string): (part: Part)=&gt; void {
  return unsafeHTML(s.replace(linkRe, '<a rel="noopener" href="$&amp;">$&amp;</a>'));
github mrin9 / RapiDoc / src / templates / endpoint-template.js View on Github external
function endpointHeadTemplate(path) {
  return html`
  <div class="endpoint-head ${path.method} ${path.expanded ?">
    <div class="method ${path.method}"> ${path.method} </div> 
    <div class="path ${path.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}"> 
      ? html`
        <span style="font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bold; color:var(--red); margin:2px 0 0 5px;"> 
      : ''
    <div style="min-width:60px; flex:1" class="only-large-screen"></div>
    <div class="m-markdown-small descr"> ${unsafeHTML(marked(path.summary || ''))} </div>
github padloc / padloc / packages / app / src / elements / choose-plan-dialog.ts View on Github external
const monthlyPrice = Math.round(plan.cost / 12);

        return html`
            <div class="plan" style="${plan.color"> this.done(plan)}
                <div class="plan-header">
                    <div class="plan-name">
                    <div class="plan-description">
                        ${unsafeHTML(plan.description.replace(/\*\*(.+)\*\*/g, "<strong>$1</strong>"))}
                    <div class="flex"></div>
                    <div class="plan-price">
                        <div class="plan-price-currency">
                        <div class="plan-price-dollars">
                            ${Math.floor(monthlyPrice / 100)}
                        <div class="plan-price-cents">
                            .${(monthlyPrice % 100).toString().padEnd(2, "0")}
                    <div class="plan-unit">
                        ${$l("per user / month")}
github mrin9 / RapiDoc / src / rapidoc.js View on Github external
<div class="observe-me ${this.renderStyle ===" id="overview">
                <div style="font-size:32px">
                  ${! ? '' : html`
                    <span style="font-size:var(--font-size-small);font-weight:bold">

                  ? html`${unsafeHTML(`<div class="m-markdown regular-font">${marked(}</div>`)}`
                  : ''
                  ? html`${unsafeHTML(`<div style="margin-top:8px" class="tiny-title"> Terms: </div> <span class="m-markdown regular-font">${marked(}</span>`)}`
                  : ''
                ${ ? this.contactInfoTemplate() : ''}

              ${(this.allowTry === 'false' || this.allowServerSelection === 'false')
                ? ''
                : this.serverTemplate()
              ${(this.allowAuthentication === 'false' || !this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes)
                ? ''
                : this.securitySchemeTemplate()
github edbzn / reactive-blog / packages / client / src / app / components / error / error.component.ts View on Github external
render() {
    return html`
        <section class="section">
          <h1 class="title">Something bad happened!</h1>
          <div class="notification is-danger">
          <a href="/" class="button">