How to use link-check - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few link-check examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tcort / markdown-link-check / index.js View on Github external
async.mapLimit(linksCollection, 2, function (link, callback) {
        if (opts.ignorePatterns) {
            const shouldIgnore = opts.ignorePatterns.some(function(ignorePattern) {
                return ignorePattern.pattern instanceof RegExp ? ignorePattern.pattern.test(link) : (new RegExp(ignorePattern.pattern)).test(link) ? true : false;

            if (shouldIgnore) {
                const result = new LinkCheckResult(opts, link, 0, undefined);
                result.status = 'ignored'; // custom status for ignored links
                callback(null, result);

        if (opts.replacementPatterns) {
            for (let replacementPattern of opts.replacementPatterns) {
                let pattern = replacementPattern.pattern instanceof RegExp ? replacementPattern.pattern : new RegExp(replacementPattern.pattern);
                link = link.replace(pattern, replacementPattern.replacement);

        // Make sure it is not undefined and that the appropriate headers are always recalculated for a given link.
        opts.headers = {};
github tcort / markdown-link-check / index.js View on Github external
linkCheck(link, opts, function (err, result) {
            if (opts.showProgressBar) {

            if (err) {
                result = new LinkCheckResult(opts, link, 500, err);
                result.status = 'error'; // custom status for errored links

            callback(null, result);
    }, callback);


checks whether a hyperlink is alive (200 OK) or dead

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