How to use levelup - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few levelup examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github iov-one / iov-core / packages / iov-keycontrol / src / userprofile.spec.ts View on Github external
it("can load format version 1 profile with password", async () => {
      const db = levelup(MemDownConstructor());

      // Storage data created with IOV-Core 0.14 cli
      await db.put("format_version", userprofileData.serializations.version1.db.format_version);
      await db.put("created_at", userprofileData.serializations.version1.db.created_at);
      await db.put("keyring", userprofileData.serializations.version1.db.keyring);

      const loaded = await UserProfile.loadFrom(db, userprofileData.serializations.version1.password);

      expect(loaded.createdAt).toEqual(new ReadonlyDate("2019-05-27T16:40:44.522Z"));
        "degree tackle suggest window test behind mesh extra cover prepare oak script",
github cshum / level-transactions / index.js View on Github external
options.db = txdown(db._levelup, options.createLock)
    location = db.location
  } else if (isFunction(db.sublevel) && isFunction(db.levelup)) {
    // db is sublevelup, get its levelup
    this._levelup = db.levelup()
    options.db = txdown(db.levelup(), options.createLock)
    location = db.location
  } else {
    // db is LevelUP, wrap txdown
    this._levelup = db
    options.db = txdown(db)
    location = ''

  //, options.db(location), options), location, options)

  var self = this
  this.once('closed', function () {
    self.emit('end', self.db._error)
    self.emit('release', self.db._error)
github polkadot-js / common / packages / trie-db-old / src / BaseTrie.ts View on Github external
constructor (db: any, root: Uint8Array = EMPTY_ROOT_U8A, hashing: HashFn = keccakAsU8a) {
    this.putRaw = this._putRaw;

    this.semaphore = semaphore(1);
    this.dbDown = db || memdown();
    this.db = levelup(encoder(this.dbDown));
    this._getDBs = [this.db];
    this._putDBs = [this.db];
    this.hashing = hashing;
    this.nodeFactory = createFactory(hashing);
    this.root = root;

    // l.debug(() => ['Created BaseTrie', typeof db, u8aToHex(root)]);
github trufflesuite / ganache-core / src / ledgers / ethereum / database.ts View on Github external
let db;
    if (store) {
      db = await levelup(store as any, levelupOptions);
    } else {
      let directory = this.options.dbPath;
      if (!directory) {
        const dirInfo = await dir(tmpOptions);
        directory = dirInfo.path;
        this._cleanupDirectory = dirInfo.cleanup;

        // don't continue if we closed while we were waiting for the dir
        if (this.closed) return this._cleanup();
      } = directory;
      const store = encode(leveldown(directory), levelupOptions);
      db = await levelup(store, {});

    // don't continue if we closed while we were waiting for the db
    if (this.closed) return this._cleanup();

    const open =;
    this.trie = sub(db, "trie", levelupOptions);

    this.db = db;
    await open;

    // don't continue if we closed while we were waiting for it to open
    if (this.closed) return this._cleanup();
    this.blocks = sub(db, "blocks", levelupOptions);
    this.transactions = sub(db, "transactions", levelupOptions);
github bitpay / bitcore-node / lib / services / db.js View on Github external, options, function(err, buffer) {
      var version;
      if (err instanceof levelup.errors.NotFoundError) {
        // The initial version (1) of the database didn't store the version number
        version = 1;
      } else if (err) {
        return callback(err);
      } else {
        version = buffer.readUInt32BE();
      if (self.version !== version) {
        var helpUrl = '';
        return callback(new Error(
          'The version of the database "' + version + '" does not match the expected version "' +
            self.version + '". A recreation of "' + self.dataPath + '" (can take several hours) is ' +
            'required or to switch versions of software to match. Please see ' + helpUrl +
            ' for more information.'
github fastify / fastify-leveldb / index.js View on Github external
// mostly from level-packager
const levelMore = (location, options) => {
  if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) options = {}
  const store = || leveldown
  ;['destroy', 'repair'].forEach(function (m) {
    if (typeof store[m] === 'function') {
      levelMore[m] = () => store[m].apply(store, arguments)

  return levelup(encode(store(location), options), options)

levelMore.errors = levelup.errors

function levelPlugin (fastify, opts, next) {
  if (! && (!opts.options || ! {
    return next(new Error('Missing database name'))
  opts.options = opts.options || {}

    .decorate('level', levelMore(, opts.options))
    .addHook('onClose', close)


function close (fastify, done) {
github bitpay / bitcore-node / lib / services / db.js View on Github external, options, function(err) {
    if (err instanceof levelup.errors.NotFoundError) {
      // The database is brand new and doesn't have a tip stored
      // we can skip version checking
      return callback();
    } else if (err) {
      return callback(err);
    }, options, function(err, buffer) {
      var version;
      if (err instanceof levelup.errors.NotFoundError) {
        // The initial version (1) of the database didn't store the version number
        version = 1;
      } else if (err) {
        return callback(err);
      } else {
        version = buffer.readUInt32BE();
github orbs-network / orbs-network-typescript / projects / libs / core-library-typescript / src / block-storage / leveldb-driver.ts View on Github external
public constructor(dbPath: string) {
    // Make sure that the DB directory exists.
    const directory = path.dirname(dbPath);

    // Open/create the blocks LevelDB database.
    this.db = levelup.default(leveldown(dbPath));
github HR / CryptoSync / src / Db.js View on Github external
function Db (location) {
  // Initialize necessary methods/properties from levelup in this instance, location)
github brycebaril / level-version / index.js View on Github external
function collect(records) {
      if (!records || !records.length) {
        return cb(new NotFoundError("Key not found in database [" + key + "]"))
      var r = records[0]
      // TODO other options?
      if (options && options.valueEncoding == "json") r.value = JSON.parse(r.value)
      return cb(null, r.value, r.version)


Fast & simple storage - a Node.js-style LevelDB wrapper

Latest version published 3 years ago

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