How to use lazy-val - 8 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few lazy-val examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / electron-builder / src / cli / install-app-deps.ts View on Github external
export async function installAppDeps(args: any) {
  try {{version: PACKAGE_VERSION}, "electron-builder")
  catch (e) {
    // error in dev mode without babel
    if (!(e instanceof ReferenceError)) {
      throw e

  const projectDir = process.cwd()
  const packageMetadata = new Lazy(() => orNullIfFileNotExist(readJson(path.join(projectDir, "package.json"))))
  const config = await getConfig(projectDir, null, null, packageMetadata)
  const results = await Promise.all([
    computeDefaultAppDirectory(projectDir, use(config.directories, it => it!.app)),
    getElectronVersion(projectDir, config, packageMetadata),

  // if two package.json — force full install (user wants to install/update app deps in addition to dev)
  await installOrRebuild(config, results[0], {
    frameworkInfo: {version: results[1], useCustomDist: true},
    platform: args.platform,
    arch: args.arch,
    productionDeps: createLazyProductionDeps(results[0], null),
  }, results[0] !== projectDir)
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / targets / nsis / NsisTarget.ts View on Github external
import { archive, ArchiveOptions } from "../archive"
import { appendBlockmap, configureDifferentialAwareArchiveOptions, createBlockmap, createNsisWebDifferentialUpdateInfo } from "../differentialUpdateInfoBuilder"
import { getWindowsInstallationDirName } from "../targetUtil"
import { addCustomMessageFileInclude, createAddLangsMacro, LangConfigurator } from "./nsisLang"
import { computeLicensePage } from "./nsisLicense"
import { NsisOptions, PortableOptions } from "./nsisOptions"
import { NsisScriptGenerator } from "./nsisScriptGenerator"
import { AppPackageHelper, NSIS_PATH, nsisTemplatesDir, UninstallerReader } from "./nsisUtil"

const debug = _debug("electron-builder:nsis")

// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
const ELECTRON_BUILDER_NS_UUID = UUID.parse("50e065bc-3134-11e6-9bab-38c9862bdaf3")

// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
const nsisResourcePathPromise = new Lazy(() => getBinFromUrl("nsis-resources", "3.4.1", "Dqd6g+2buwwvoG1Vyf6BHR1b+25QMmPcwZx40atOT57gH27rkjOei1L0JTldxZu4NFoEmW4kJgZ3DlSWVON3+Q=="))


export class NsisTarget extends Target {
  readonly options: NsisOptions

  /** @private */
  readonly archs: Map = new Map()

  constructor(readonly packager: WinPackager, readonly outDir: string, targetName: string, protected readonly packageHelper: AppPackageHelper) {


    this.options = targetName === "portable" ? Object.create(null) : {
      preCompressedFileExtensions: [".avi", ".mov", ".m4v", ".mp4", ".m4p", ".qt", ".mkv", ".webm", ".vmdk"],
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / targets / nsis / nsisUtil.ts View on Github external
import BluebirdPromise from "bluebird-lst"
import { Arch, log } from "builder-util"
import { PackageFileInfo } from "builder-util-runtime"
import { getBinFromUrl } from "../../binDownload"
import { copyFile } from "builder-util/out/fs"
import { unlink } from "fs-extra"
import { Lazy } from "lazy-val"
import * as path from "path"
import { getTemplatePath } from "../../util/pathManager"
import { NsisTarget } from "./NsisTarget"
import fs from "fs"
import zlib from "zlib"

export const nsisTemplatesDir = getTemplatePath("nsis")

export const NSIS_PATH = new Lazy(() => {
  const custom = process.env.ELECTRON_BUILDER_NSIS_DIR
  if (custom != null && custom.length > 0) {
    return Promise.resolve(custom.trim())
  // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
  return getBinFromUrl("nsis", "", "VKMiizYdmNdJOWpRGz4trl4lD++BvYP2irAXpMilheUP0pc93iKlWAoP843Vlraj8YG19CVn0j+dCo/hURz9+Q==")

export class AppPackageHelper {
  private readonly archToFileInfo = new Map>()
  private readonly infoToIsDelete = new Map()

  /** @private */
  refCount = 0

  constructor(private readonly elevateHelper: CopyElevateHelper) {
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / publish / updateInfoBuilder.ts View on Github external
export async function createUpdateInfoTasks(event: ArtifactCreated, _publishConfigs: Array): Promise> {
  const packager = event.packager
  const publishConfigs = await getPublishConfigsForUpdateInfo(packager, _publishConfigs, event.arch)
  if (publishConfigs == null || publishConfigs.length === 0) {
    return []

  const outDir =!.outDir
  const version = packager.appInfo.version
  const sha2 = new Lazy(() => hashFile(event.file!, "sha256", "hex"))
  const isMac = packager.platform === Platform.MAC
  const createdFiles = new Set()
  const sharedInfo = await createUpdateInfo(version, event, await getReleaseInfo(packager))
  const tasks: Array = []
  const electronUpdaterCompatibility = packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.electronUpdaterCompatibility || packager.config.electronUpdaterCompatibility || ">=2.15"
  for (const publishConfiguration of publishConfigs) {
    const isBintray = publishConfiguration.provider === "bintray"
    let dir = outDir
    // Bintray uses different variant of channel file info, better to generate it to a separate dir by always
    if (isBintray || (publishConfigs.length > 1 && publishConfiguration !== publishConfigs[0])) {
      dir = path.join(outDir, publishConfiguration.provider)

    let isElectronUpdater1xCompatibility = computeIsisElectronUpdater1xCompatibility(electronUpdaterCompatibility, publishConfiguration,

    let info = sharedInfo
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / electron / ElectronFramework.ts View on Github external
export async function createElectronFrameworkSupport(configuration: Configuration, packager: Packager): Promise {
  let version = configuration.electronVersion
  if (version == null) {
    // for prepacked app asar no dev deps in the app.asar
    if (packager.isPrepackedAppAsar) {
      version = await getElectronVersionFromInstalled(packager.projectDir)
      if (version == null) {
        throw new Error(`Cannot compute electron version for prepacked asar`)
    else {
      version = await computeElectronVersion(packager.projectDir, new Lazy(() => Promise.resolve(packager.metadata)))
    configuration.electronVersion = version

  return new ElectronFramework("electron", version, "")
github electron-userland / electron-webpack / packages / electron-webpack / src / targets / RendererTarget.ts View on Github external
const titleFromOptions = configurator.electronWebpackConfiguration.title
  if (titleFromOptions == null || titleFromOptions === false) {
    return null

  if (titleFromOptions !== true) {
    return titleFromOptions

  let title: string | null | undefined = (configurator.metadata as any).productName
  if (title == null) {
    const electronBuilderConfig = await getConfig({
      packageKey: "build",
      configFilename: "electron-builder",
      projectDir: configurator.projectDir,
      packageMetadata: new Lazy(() => Promise.resolve(configurator.metadata))
    if (electronBuilderConfig != null) {
      title = electronBuilderConfig.result.productName

  if (title == null) {
    title =
  return title
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / util / config.ts View on Github external
export async function getConfig(projectDir: string,
                                configPath: string | null,
                                configFromOptions: Configuration | null | undefined,
                                packageMetadata: Lazy<{ [key: string]: any } | null> = new Lazy(() => orNullIfFileNotExist(readJson(path.join(projectDir, "package.json"))))): Promise {
  const configRequest: ReadConfigRequest = {packageKey: "build", configFilename: "electron-builder", projectDir, packageMetadata}
  const configAndEffectiveFile = await _getConfig(configRequest, configPath)
  const config = configAndEffectiveFile == null ? {} : configAndEffectiveFile.result
  if (configFromOptions != null) {
    mergePublish(config, configFromOptions)

  if (configAndEffectiveFile != null) {{file: configAndEffectiveFile.configFile == null ? 'package.json ("build" field)' : configAndEffectiveFile.configFile}, "loaded configuration")

  if (config.extends == null && config.extends !== null) {
    const metadata = await packageMetadata.value || {}
    const devDependencies = metadata.devDependencies
    const dependencies = metadata.dependencies
    if ((dependencies != null && "react-scripts" in dependencies) || (devDependencies != null && "react-scripts" in devDependencies)) {
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / util / packageDependencies.ts View on Github external
export function createLazyProductionDeps(projectDir: string, excludedDependencies: Array | null) {
  return new Lazy(async () => {
    const args = ["node-dep-tree", "--dir", projectDir]
    if (excludedDependencies != null) {
      for (const name of excludedDependencies) {
        args.push("--exclude-dep", name)
    return executeAppBuilderAsJson>(args)


Lazy value.

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Popular lazy-val functions