How to use the launchdarkly-js-client-sdk.version function in launchdarkly-js-client-sdk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few launchdarkly-js-client-sdk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github launchdarkly / js-client-sdk / test-types.ts View on Github external
// This file exists only so that we can run the TypeScript compiler in the CI build
// to validate our typings.d.ts file. The code will not actually be run.

import * as ld from 'launchdarkly-js-client-sdk';

var ver: string = ld.version;

var emptyOptions: ld.LDOptions = {};
var logger: ld.LDLogger = ld.createConsoleLogger("info");
var allOptions: ld.LDOptions = {
  bootstrap: { },
  hash: '',
  baseUrl: '',
  eventsUrl: '',
  streamUrl: '',
  streaming: true,
  useReport: true,
  sendLDHeaders: true,
  evaluationReasons: true,
  fetchGoals: true,
  sendEvents: true,
  allAttributesPrivate: true,


LaunchDarkly SDK for JavaScript

Latest version published 3 months ago

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