How to use keycloak-js - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few keycloak-js examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eclipse / codewind / src / performance / dashboard / src / index.js View on Github external
async function init() {
    let initOptions = await fetchAuthInfo();
    if (initOptions.hasError) {
        console.warn("No Auth service available")
            , document.getElementById('root')
    } else {
        let keycloak = Keycloak(initOptions)
        keycloak.init({ onLoad: initOptions.onLoad }).success((auth) => {
            if (!auth) {
            } else {
      `Dashboard - authenticated`);
                , document.getElementById('root'));

            localStorage.setItem("cw-access-token", keycloak.token);
            localStorage.setItem("cw-refresh-token", keycloak.refreshToken);

            // Access token refresh
github bcgov / queue-management / appointment-frontend / src / services / View on Github external
async logout (redirectUrl?: string) {
    let token = ConfigHelper.getFromSession(SessionStorageKeys.KeyCloakToken) || undefined
    if (token) {
      this.kc = Keycloak(ConfigHelper.getKeycloakConfigUrl())
      let kcOptions :KeycloakInitOptions = {
        onLoad: 'login-required',
        checkLoginIframe: false,
        timeSkew: 0,
        refreshToken: ConfigHelper.getFromSession(SessionStorageKeys.KeyCloakRefreshToken) || undefined,
        idToken: ConfigHelper.getFromSession(SessionStorageKeys.KeyCloakIdToken) || undefined
      // Here we clear session storage, and add a flag in to prevent the app from
      // putting tokens back in from returning async calls  (see #2341)
      // ConfigHelper.addToSession(SessionStorageKeys.PreventStorageSync, true)
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this.kc && this.kc.init(kcOptions)
          .success(authenticated => {
            if (!authenticated) {
github dsb-norge / vue-keycloak-js / src / index.js View on Github external
function init (config, watch, options) {
  const ctor = sanitizeConfig(config)
  const keycloak = Keycloak(ctor)

  watch.$once('ready', function (cb) {
    cb && cb()

  keycloak.onReady = function (authenticated) {
    watch.ready = true
    typeof options.onReady === 'function' && watch.$emit('ready', options.onReady.bind(this, keycloak))
  keycloak.onAuthSuccess = function () {
    // Check token validity every 10 seconds (10 000 ms) and, if necessary, update the token.
    // Refresh token if it's valid for less then 60 seconds
    const updateTokenInterval = setInterval(() => keycloak.updateToken(60).error(() => {
    }), 10000)
github dasniko / keycloak-reactjs-demo / src / index.js View on Github external

const app = (

const kc = new Keycloak('/keycloak.json');
  onLoad: 'check-sso',
  promiseType: 'native',
  silentCheckSsoRedirectUri: window.location.origin + '/silent-check-sso.html',
  pkceMethod: 'S256',
  .then(authenticated =&gt; {
    if (authenticated) {
      store.getState().keycloak = kc;
      ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById("app"));
    } else {
      console.warn("not authenticated!");
github dragontree101 / springboot-keycloak-demo / family-js / src / components / Family.vue View on Github external
created() {
      var keycloakAuth = new Keycloak("../keycloak.json");
      keycloakAuth.init({onLoad: 'login-required'}).success(function () {
        store.dispatch('checkUserIsLogin', keycloakAuth);
      }).error(function () {
        alert("failed to login");
    methods: {
github bcgov / queue-management / appointment-frontend / src / services / View on Github external
init (idpHint: string, store: Store) { = store
    const token = ConfigHelper.getFromSession(SessionStorageKeys.KeyCloakToken) || undefined
    const keycloakConfig = ConfigHelper.getKeycloakConfigUrl()
    this.kc = Keycloak(keycloakConfig)
    const kcLogin = this.kc.login
    this.kc.login = (options?: KeycloakLoginOptions) =&gt; {
      if (options) {
        options.idpHint = idpHint
      return kcLogin(options)
    return this.kc.init({ token: token, onLoad: 'login-required' })
github crisbal / vue-keycloak / src / index.js View on Github external
VueKeyCloak.install = (Vue, options: Object = {
  keycloakOptions: {},
  keycloakInitOptions: {},
  refreshTime: 10
}) => {
  if (installed) return
  installed = true

  const keycloak: Object = Keycloak(options.keycloakOptions)

  const watch = new Vue({
    data () {
      return {
        ready: false,
        authenticated: false,
        user: null,
        token: null,
        resourceAccess: null

  keycloak.init(options.keycloakInitOptions).success((isAuthenticated) => {
    updateWatchVariables(isAuthenticated).then(() => {
      watch.ready = true
github panz3r / react-keycloak / src / demo / App.js View on Github external
import Keycloak from 'keycloak-js';
import React from 'react';

import { KeycloakProvider } from '../lib';

import { AppRouter } from './routes';

const keycloak = new Keycloak();

const keycloakProviderInitConfig = {
  onLoad: 'check-sso',

class PersistedApp extends React.PureComponent {
  onKeycloakEvent = (event, error) => {
    console.log('onKeycloakEvent', event, error);

  onKeycloakTokens = tokens => {
    console.log('onKeycloakTokens', tokens);

  render() {
    return (
github entando / app-builder / src / ui / app / Keycloak.js View on Github external
import React from 'react';
import { withKeycloak as withKeycloakRaw } from 'react-keycloak';
import Keycloak from 'keycloak-js';

export const keycloak = new Keycloak(process.env.KEYCLOAK_JSON);
export const keycloakEnabled = !process.env.USE_MOCKS &amp;&amp; process.env.KEYCLOAK_ENABLED;
export const keycloakLogout = () =&gt; keycloak.logout();
keycloak.enabled = keycloakEnabled;

const keycloakDisabled = { enabled: false, authenticated: false };

const withKeycloakDisabled = WrappedComponent =&gt; (
  props =&gt; ());

export const withKeycloak = component =&gt; (keycloakEnabled
  ? withKeycloakRaw(component)
  : withKeycloakDisabled(component));


A client-side JavaScript OpenID Connect library that can be used to secure web applications.

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Popular keycloak-js functions