How to use the kefir.later function in kefir

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kefir examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mAAdhaTTah / brookjs / packages / brookjs / src / domDelta / index.js View on Github external
.flatMap(isLoaded =>
            isLoaded ?
                // ensures async consistency
                Kefir.later(0, true) :
                Kefir.fromEvents(document, 'DOMContentLoaded')
github StreakYC / react-menu-list / src / SubMenuItem.js View on Github external
// and end it there. Or end after a timer.
    Kefir.fromEvents(window, 'mousemove')
      .bufferBy(Kefir.interval(60, null))
      .map(events => {
        if (events.length) {
          const last = events[events.length-1];
          lastCoords = {pageX: last.pageX, pageY: last.pageY};
        return lastCoords;
      .filter(({pageX, pageY}) => {
        const distance = getDistance(pageX, pageY);
        const maxDistance = startDistance - ( * MIN_SPEED;
        return distance > maxDistance;
      .onValue(() => {
github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / types / kefir / kefir-tests.ts View on Github external
let bar: Property  = Kefir.sequentially(200, [false, true, false]).delay(40).toProperty(() => true);
		let observable01: Stream = foo.filterBy(bar);
		let a: Property  = Kefir.sequentially(200, [2, 3]).toProperty(() => 1);
		let b: Stream  = Kefir.interval(100, 0).delay(40).take(5);
		let observable02: Property = a.sampledBy(b)
		let foo: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(100, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
		let bar: Stream  = Kefir.later(250, 0);
		let observable03: Stream = foo.skipUntilBy(bar);
		let foo: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(100, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
		let bar: Stream  = Kefir.later(250, 'hello');
		let observable04: Stream = foo.takeUntilBy(bar);
		let foo: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(100, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]).delay(40);
		let bar: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(300, [1, 2])
		let observable05: Stream = foo.bufferBy(bar);
		let foo: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(100, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
		let bar: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(200, [false, true, false]).delay(40);
		let observable06: Stream = foo.bufferWhileBy(bar);
		let foo: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(100, [1, 2, 3]);
		let bar: Stream  = Kefir.sequentially(100, [1, 2, 3]).delay(40);
		let observable07: Stream = foo.awaiting(bar);
github calmm-js / karet / test / tests.js View on Github external
{[Kefir.constant('Hel'), [Kefir.constant('lo')]]}
    '<div style="display:block;color:red;background:green">Hello</div>'

    <a href="{Kefir.constant('#lol')}" style="{Kefir.constant({color:">
      {Kefir.constant('Hello')} {Kefir.constant('world!')}
    '<a href="#lol" style="color:red">Hello world!</a>'

        .merge(Kefir.later(1000, 0))

  const Custom = ({prop, ...props}) =&gt; (
    <div>{`${prop} ${JSON.stringify(props)}`}</div>

    '<div>[constant] {}</div>'

github calmm-js / karet / test / tests.js View on Github external

        Kefir.constant([<div>c</div>, [<div>d</div>]])


  const ChildrenWithSibling = ({children}) =&gt; <div>Test: {children}</div>

    Hello {Kefir.constant('world!')},
    '<div>Test: Hello world!</div>'

  testRender(<span>0</span>, '<span>0</span>')
  testRender(<span>{Kefir.constant(0)}</span>, '<span>0</span>')

    '<div>oh yes</div>'</div></div>
github StreakYC / react-menu-list / src / SubMenuItem.js View on Github external
_onHighlightChange(highlighted: boolean, event: Object) {

    if (highlighted && !event.byKeyboard) {
      const OPEN_DELAY = 200;

        .onValue(() => {
    } else if (!highlighted) {
github ivan-kleshnin / unredux / examples / 7.crud / server / ssr / index.js View on Github external
let timeoutError = (delayMs) =>
  K.later(delayMs, K.constantError(new Error("timeout"))).flatMap()
github intraxia / wp-gistpen / client / deltas / routerDelta.js View on Github external
return (actions$: Observable): Observable =&gt; {
        const initial$ = Kefir.later(0, router(getRoute(, param)));

        const pushState$ = actions$.thru(ofType(routeChange)).flatMap(({ payload }: RouteChangeAction) =&gt; Emitter) =&gt; {
            const dest = getUrl(param, payload);

            if (dest !== (location.pathname + {
                global.history.pushState({}, '', dest);


        const href$ = Emitter) =&gt; {
            const emit = ({ search, href }: HrefTarget) =&gt; {
                if (typeof search === 'string') {
                    search = parseQueryString(search);
github mAAdhaTTah / brookjs / packages / brookjs-cli / src / deltas / terminalDelta / newCommandPrompt.js View on Github external
const prompt$ = state$.take(1).flatMap(state =>
        state.command.opts.yes === true
            ? Kefir.later(0, initConfigResponse({ ...defaultConfig, name: }))
            : ui.prompt([
                    type: 'input',
                    name: 'version',
                    message: 'What is the application version?',
                    default: defaultConfig.version
                    type: 'input',
                    name: 'description',
                    message: 'What is the application description?',
                    default: defaultConfig.description
                    type: 'input',
                    name: 'dir',


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