How to use the jwks-rsa.hapiJwt2Key function in jwks-rsa

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github auth0 / auth0-authorization-extension / server / plugins / auth.js View on Github external
  server.auth.strategy('extension-secret', 'extension-secret');

  const jwtOptions = {
    dashboardAdmin: {
      key: config('EXTENSION_SECRET'),
      verifyOptions: {
        audience: 'urn:api-authz',
        issuer: config('PUBLIC_WT_URL'),
        algorithms: [ 'HS256' ]
    resourceServer: {
      key: jwksRsa.hapiJwt2Key({
        cache: true,
        rateLimit: true,
        jwksRequestsPerMinute: 2,
        jwksUri: `https://${config('AUTH0_DOMAIN')}/.well-known/jwks.json`
      verifyOptions: {
        audience: 'urn:auth0-authz-api',
        issuer: `https://${config('AUTH0_DOMAIN')}/`,
        algorithms: [ 'RS256' ]

  server.auth.strategy('jwt', 'jwt', {
    // Get the complete decoded token, because we need info from the header (the kid)
    complete: true,
github openaq / openaq-api / api / services / server.js View on Github external
self.hapi.register({ register: hapiAuthJwt2 }, err => {
      if (err) return cb(err);

      self.hapi.auth.strategy('jwt', 'jwt', false, {
        complete: true,
        key: jwksRsa.hapiJwt2Key({
          cache: true,
          rateLimit: true,
          jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
          jwksUri: `${issuer}.well-known/jwks.json`
        verifyOptions: {
          audience: audience,
          issuer: issuer,
          algorithms: ['RS256']
        validateFunc: (decoded, request, callback) => {
          if (decoded && decoded.sub) {
            // Check if the user is active.
            const isActive = decoded[''].active;
            return callback(null, isActive);
github WorldBank-Transport / ram-backend / app / services / plugins.js View on Github external
hapiServer.register(require('hapi-auth-jwt2'), err => {
    if (err) cb(err);

    if (config.auth && config.auth.strategy === 'jwt') {
      hapiServer.auth.strategy('jwt', 'jwt', true, {
        complete: true,
        key: jwksRsa.hapiJwt2Key({
          cache: true,
          rateLimit: true,
          jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
          jwksUri: `${config.auth.issuer}.well-known/jwks.json`
        verifyOptions: {
          audience: config.auth.audience,
          issuer: config.auth.issuer,
          algorithms: ['RS256']
        validateFunc: (decoded, request, callback) => {
          if (decoded && decoded.sub) {
            return callback(null, true);
          return callback(null, false);


Library to retrieve RSA public keys from a JWKS endpoint

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