How to use jsx-pragmatic - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jsx-pragmatic examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github paypal / paypal-checkout-components / src / zoid / native / component.jsx View on Github external
const renderSpinner = (win) => {
                try {
                    win = assertSameDomain(win);
                    const doc = win.document;

                    writeElementToWindow(win, (
                    ).render(dom({ doc })));
                } catch (err) {
                    // pass
github paypal / paypal-smart-payment-buttons / server / components / buttons / middleware.js View on Github external
};, `button_render_version_${ render.version }`);, `button_client_version_${ client.version }`);

        const content = smartContent[][locale.lang] || {};
        const blackButtonText = content.payWithDebitOrCreditCard;
        // logs for the missing content for the black button
        if (!blackButtonText) {
  , `missing_content`, { info: JSON.stringify({ params, locale }) });
        const buttonHTML = render.button.Buttons({
            ...params, nonce: cspNonce, csp:   { nonce: cspNonce }, fundingEligibility, personalization, content

        const setupParams = {
            fundingEligibility, buyerCountry, cspNonce, merchantID, personalization, sdkMeta,
            isCardFieldsExperimentEnabled, firebaseConfig, facilitatorAccessToken, eligibility, content

        const pageHTML = `
                <style nonce="${ cspNonce }">${ buttonStyle }</style>
                <div class="buttons-container" id="buttons-container">${ buttonHTML }</div>
                <div class="card-fields-container" id="card-fields-container"></div>

                ${ meta.getSDKLoader({ nonce: cspNonce }) }
github paypal / paypal-checkout-components / test / integration / windows / button / index.jsx View on Github external
import { noop, supportsPopups, getElement, memoize } from 'belter/src';
import { ZalgoPromise } from 'zalgo-promise/src';
import { node, dom } from 'jsx-pragmatic/src';
import { CONTEXT } from 'zoid/src';

import { Buttons as ButtonsTemplate } from '../../../../src/ui/buttons';
import { getElements, errorOnWindowOpen, generateOrderID } from '../../tests/common';

let { action, type, authed = false, bridge = false, delay = 0, onRender, checkout, selector, remembered, captureOrder = noop } = window.xprops.test;

const body = document.body;
if (body) {
    ).render(dom({ doc: document })));

if (bridge) {
    delay = 100;

let popupBridge;

const popupBridgePromise = window.xprops.getPopupBridge().then(_popupBridge =&gt; {
    popupBridge = _popupBridge;

function renderCheckout(props = {}, context = CONTEXT.POPUP) {
    let approved = false;
github paypal / paypal-card-components / src / contingency-flow.js View on Github external

      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1);
    return node('div', { 'id': uid, 'onClick': focusComponent, 'class': `${ tag } ${ tag }-tag-${ tag } ${ tag }-context-${ context } ${ tag }-focus` },

      node('a', { 'href': '#', 'onClick': closeComponent, 'class': `${ tag }-close` }),

      node('div', { class: CLASS.OUTLET },
        node('node', { el: frame }),
        node('node', { el: prerenderFrame })),

      node('style', null, `
          #${ uid } {
              position: fixed;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
              z-index: 999;

          #${ uid }.${ tag }-context-${ CONTEXT.POPUP } {
              cursor: pointer;

          #${ uid }.${ tag }-context-${ CONTEXT.IFRAME } .${ CLASS.OUTLET } {
              box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
github krakenjs / zoid / dist / module / component / component / templates / component.js View on Github external
                '\n                        html, body {\n                            width: 100%;\n                            height: 100%;\n                            overflow: hidden;\n                            top: 0;\n                            left: 0;\n                            margin: 0;\n                            text-align: center;\n                        }\n\n                        .spinner {\n                            position: absolute;\n                            max-height: 60vmin;\n                            max-width: 60vmin;\n                            height: 40px;\n                            width: 40px;\n                            top: 50%;\n                            left: 50%;\n                            transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\n                            z-index: 10;\n                        }\n\n                        .spinner .loader {\n                            height: 100%;\n                            width: 100%;\n                            box-sizing: border-box;\n                            border: 3px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);\n                            border-top-color: rgba(33, 128, 192, 0.8);\n                            border-radius: 100%;\n                            animation: rotation .7s infinite linear;\n\n                        }\n\n                        @keyframes rotation {\n                            from {\n                                transform: rotate(0deg)\n                            }\n                            to {\n                                transform: rotate(359deg)\n                            }\n                        }\n                    '
                { 'class': 'spinner' },
                node('div', { id: 'loader', 'class': 'loader' })
    ).render(dom({ doc: document }));
github krakenjs / zoid / dist / module / component / component / templates / component.js View on Github external
return node(
                '\n                        html, body {\n                            width: 100%;\n                            height: 100%;\n                            overflow: hidden;\n                            top: 0;\n                            left: 0;\n                            margin: 0;\n                            text-align: center;\n                        }\n\n                        .spinner {\n                            position: absolute;\n                            max-height: 60vmin;\n                            max-width: 60vmin;\n                            height: 40px;\n                            width: 40px;\n                            top: 50%;\n                            left: 50%;\n                            transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\n                            z-index: 10;\n                        }\n\n                        .spinner .loader {\n                            height: 100%;\n                            width: 100%;\n                            box-sizing: border-box;\n                            border: 3px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);\n                            border-top-color: rgba(33, 128, 192, 0.8);\n                            border-radius: 100%;\n                            animation: rotation .7s infinite linear;\n\n                        }\n\n                        @keyframes rotation {\n                            from {\n                                transform: rotate(0deg)\n                            }\n                            to {\n                                transform: rotate(359deg)\n                            }\n                        }\n                    '
                { 'class': 'spinner' },
                node('div', { id: 'loader', 'class': 'loader' })
    ).render(dom({ doc: document }));
github krakenjs / zoid / dist / module / component / component / templates / container.js View on Github external
outlet = _ref.outlet,
        document = _ref.document,
        _ref$dimensions = _ref.dimensions,
        width = _ref$dimensions.width,
        height = _ref$dimensions.height;

    return node(
        { id: id, 'class': CLASS.ZOID + ' ' + CLASS.ZOID + '-tag-' + tag + ' ' + CLASS.ZOID + '-context-' + context },
            '\n                    #' + id + ', #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' {\n                        width: ' + width + ';\n                        height: ' + height + ';\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' {\n                        display: inline-block;\n                        position: relative;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe {\n                        height: 100%;\n                        width: 100%;\n                        position: absolute;\n                        top: 0;\n                        left: 0;\n                        transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe.' + CLASS.VISIBLE + ' {\n                        opacity: 1;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe.' + CLASS.INVISIBLE + ' {\n                        opacity: 0;\n                    }\n                '
        node('node', { el: outlet })
    ).render(dom({ doc: document }));
github paypal / paypal-card-components / src / contingency-flow.js View on Github external

      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1);
    return node('div', { 'id': uid, 'onClick': focusComponent, 'class': `${ tag } ${ tag }-tag-${ tag } ${ tag }-context-${ context } ${ tag }-focus` },

      node('a', { 'href': '#', 'onClick': closeComponent, 'class': `${ tag }-close` }),

      node('div', { class: CLASS.OUTLET },
        node('node', { el: frame }),
        node('node', { el: prerenderFrame })),

      node('style', null, `
          #${ uid } {
              position: fixed;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
              z-index: 999;

          #${ uid }.${ tag }-context-${ CONTEXT.POPUP } {
              cursor: pointer;
github krakenjs / zoid / dist / module / component / component / templates / container.js View on Github external
export function defaultContainerTemplate(_ref) {
    var id =,
        tag = _ref.tag,
        context = _ref.context,
        CLASS = _ref.CLASS,
        outlet = _ref.outlet,
        document = _ref.document,
        _ref$dimensions = _ref.dimensions,
        width = _ref$dimensions.width,
        height = _ref$dimensions.height;

    return node(
        { id: id, 'class': CLASS.ZOID + ' ' + CLASS.ZOID + '-tag-' + tag + ' ' + CLASS.ZOID + '-context-' + context },
            '\n                    #' + id + ', #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' {\n                        width: ' + width + ';\n                        height: ' + height + ';\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' {\n                        display: inline-block;\n                        position: relative;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe {\n                        height: 100%;\n                        width: 100%;\n                        position: absolute;\n                        top: 0;\n                        left: 0;\n                        transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe.' + CLASS.VISIBLE + ' {\n                        opacity: 1;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe.' + CLASS.INVISIBLE + ' {\n                        opacity: 0;\n                    }\n                '
        node('node', { el: outlet })
    ).render(dom({ doc: document }));
github krakenjs / zoid / dist / module / component / component / templates / container.js View on Github external
export function defaultContainerTemplate(_ref) {
    var id =,
        tag = _ref.tag,
        context = _ref.context,
        CLASS = _ref.CLASS,
        outlet = _ref.outlet,
        document = _ref.document,
        _ref$dimensions = _ref.dimensions,
        width = _ref$dimensions.width,
        height = _ref$dimensions.height;

    return node(
        { id: id, 'class': CLASS.ZOID + ' ' + CLASS.ZOID + '-tag-' + tag + ' ' + CLASS.ZOID + '-context-' + context },
            '\n                    #' + id + ', #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' {\n                        width: ' + width + ';\n                        height: ' + height + ';\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' {\n                        display: inline-block;\n                        position: relative;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe {\n                        height: 100%;\n                        width: 100%;\n                        position: absolute;\n                        top: 0;\n                        left: 0;\n                        transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe.' + CLASS.VISIBLE + ' {\n                        opacity: 1;\n                    }\n\n                    #' + id + ' > .' + CLASS.OUTLET + ' > iframe.' + CLASS.INVISIBLE + ' {\n                        opacity: 0;\n                    }\n                '
        node('node', { el: outlet })
    ).render(dom({ doc: document }));


Javascript module template.

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