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function PostgresMgr(options) {
assert.object(options, 'options');
assert.object(options.log, 'options.log');
assert.ifError(mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(CONFIG_SCHEMA, options));;
/** @type {Bunyan} The bunyan log object */
this._log = options.log.child({component: 'PostgresMgr'}, true);
var log = this._log;
var self = this;
self._postgres = null; /* The child postgres process */
self._defaultVersion = options.defaultVersion;
self._pgBaseDir = options.pgBaseDir;
self._versions = options.versions;
self._dataConf = path.resolve(options.dataConfig);
readToEndJson(stream, function (err, obj) {
if (!err && schema)
err = mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(schema, obj);
if (err)
callback(new VError(err, 'read "%s"', filename));
callback(null, obj);
function loadConfig(input)
var dc, error;
error = mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(dnConfigSchemaBase, input);
if (error instanceof Error)
return (new VError(error, 'failed to load config'));
if (input.vmaj !== dnConfigMajor)
return (new VError('failed to load config: major ' +
'version ("%s") not supported', input.vmaj));
error = mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(dnConfigSchemaCurrent, input);
if (error instanceof Error)
return (new VError(error, 'failed to load config'));
dc = new DragnetConfig();
input.datasources.forEach(function (dsconfig) {
dc.dc_datasources[] = {
'ds_backend': dsconfig.backend,
'ds_backend_config': dsconfig.backend_config,
'ds_filter': dsconfig.filter,
'ds_format': dsconfig.dataFormat
input.metrics.forEach(function (metconfig) {
var dsname, metname;
var copy, error;
* We want consumers to be able to assume that "deposed" is present, so
* it's required in the schema. But we don't want a flag day for its
* introduction, so we insert it here (into our private copy). Recall
* that the caller is supposed to use the value returned by this
* validator, not assume that just because we don't return an error that
* they can use the original copy.
copy = mod_jsprim.deepCopy(clusterState);
if (copy !== null && !copy.hasOwnProperty('deposed'))
copy['deposed'] = [];
error = mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(schemas.zkState, copy);
if (error instanceof Error)
return (error);
if (copy === null)
return (null);
if (copy.sync === null &&
(copy.oneNodeWriteMode === undefined ||
!copy.oneNodeWriteMode)) {
return (new VError('"sync" may not be null outside of ' +
'one-node-write mode'));
error = mod_lsn.xlogValidate(clusterState.initWal);
return (error instanceof Error ? error : copy);
function validateAndCopy(schema, obj)
var error;
error = mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(schema, obj);
if (error !== null)
return (error);
return (mod_jsprim.deepCopy(obj));
function loadConfig(input)
var dc, error;
error = mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(dnConfigSchemaBase, input);
if (error instanceof Error)
return (new VError(error, 'failed to load config'));
if (input.vmaj !== dnConfigMajor)
return (new VError('failed to load config: major ' +
'version ("%s") not supported', input.vmaj));
error = mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(dnConfigSchemaCurrent, input);
if (error instanceof Error)
return (new VError(error, 'failed to load config'));
dc = new DragnetConfig();
input.datasources.forEach(function (dsconfig) {
PostgresMgr.prototype.getTunables = function (version, major) {
var tunables;
var options = {
synchronous_commit: 'remote_write'
try {
tunables = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.tunablesFile, 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {
throw new verror.VError(e, 'failed to load %s', this.tunablesFile);
assert.ifError(mod_jsprim.validateJsonObject(TUNABLES_SCHEMA, tunables));
function copy(source) {
mod_jsprim.forEachKey(source, function (key, value) {
options[key] = value;
if (mod_jsprim.hasKey(tunables, 'common')) {
if (mod_jsprim.hasKey(tunables, major)) {
if (mod_jsprim.hasKey(tunables, version)) {