How to use jsonlint - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jsonlint examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jsonresume / resume-cli / lib / pre-flow / get-resume.js View on Github external
fs.readFile(jsonLocation, function(resumeJsonDoesNotExist, data) {

    if (resumeJsonDoesNotExist) {
      if (['export', 'test'].indexOf(process.argv[2]) !== -1) { // removed serve. test this later
        console.log('There is no resume.json file located in this directory');
        console.log('Type: `resume init` to initialize a new resume');

      var resumeJson = false;
    } else {
      try {
        var resumeJson = JSON.parse(data);

        callback(null, resumeJson);
      } catch (error) {
github jsonresume / resume-cli / lib / pre.js View on Github external
fs.readFile('./resume.json', function(resumeJsonDoesNotExist, data) {

      if (resumeJsonDoesNotExist) {
        if (['export', 'publish', 'test'].indexOf(process.argv[2]) !== -1) { // removed serve. test this later
          console.log('There is no resume.json file located in this directory');
          console.log('Type: `resume init` to initialize a new resume');

        var resumeJson = false;
      } else {
        try {
          var resumeJson = JSON.parse(data);

          callback(null, resumeJson);
        } catch (error) {
github uber / xviz / modules / schema / src / file-validation.js View on Github external
export function parseJSONFile(filePath) {
  const contents = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');

  let data;
  try {
    data = JSON.parse(contents);
  } catch (e) {
    try {
    } catch (egood) {
      // Ugly hack to get the line number out of the jsonlint error
      const lineRegex = /line ([0-9]+)/g;
      const results = lineRegex.exec(egood.message);
      let line = 0;
      if (results !== null) {
        line = parseInt(results[1], 10);

      // Return the best error we can
      throw new ParseError(`${filePath}:${line}: ${egood}`);

  return data;
github chrisuehlinger / Flathead / public / src / components / RouteEditor.jsx View on Github external
_validateResponseText(jsonString) {

    try {
      return {
        valid: true,
        error: ''
    catch (ex) {
      try {
        return {
          valid: true,
          error: ''
      } catch (ex) {

        // retrieve line number from error
        let lineMatch = ex.message.match(/line ([0-9]*)/);
        if (lineMatch && lineMatch.length > 1) {
          //Highlight error line.
          this.highlightErrorLine(+lineMatch[1] - 1);
        return {
          valid: false,
          error: ex.message.toString()
github derbyparty / generator-derby / test / common.js View on Github external
fs.readFile(file, {encoding: 'utf-8'}, function(err, src){
      var errors;
        errors = err.message;
      done(null, errors ? [file, errors] : null);
github divshot / divshot-cli / lib / cwd.js View on Github external
function validateConfigFile (fileContents) {
  try {
  catch (e) {
    var msgArr = e.message.split('\n');
    var msg = msgArr[1] + '\n' + msgArr[2];;
    feedback.error('Invalid Divshot configuration file. ' + msgArr[0] + '\n');;
github katat / vbot / src / index.js View on Github external
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      let playbook;
      try {
        let json = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString('utf-8')
        playbook = jsonlint.parse(json);
      } catch (ex) {
        return reject(ex)
github katat / vbot / src / index.js View on Github external
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      let playbook;
      try {
        let json = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString('utf-8')
        playbook = jsonlint.parse(json);
      } catch (ex) {
        return reject(ex)
github tmpfs / rlx / lib / util / lint.js View on Github external
function json(data, cb) {
  var jsonlint = require('jsonlint');
  var result;
    result = jsonlint.parse(data);
  }catch(e) {
    return cb(e);
  cb(null, result);
github appcelerator / alloy / Alloy / utils.js View on Github external
function parseManifestAsCollection(wFile) {
		var wDir = path.dirname(wFile);
		var manifest;
		try {
			manifest = jsonlint.parse(fs.readFileSync(wFile, 'utf8'));
		} catch (e) {
			exports.die('Error parsing "' + wFile + '"', e);

		return {
			dir: wDir,
			manifest: manifest


Validate JSON

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