How to use the json2csv.Transform function in json2csv

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few json2csv examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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num?: number;
    obj?: object;

 * Public API *
parse({}, {});

new Parser();
const parser: Parser = new Parser({});
s = parser.parse({ str: '', num: 1, obj: {} });
const transform: Transform = new Transform({ quote: '' });
const nodeTransform: NodeTransform = transform;

// Tests using examples from Readme
interface Car {
    car: string;
    price: number;

const opts: json2csv.Options = {
    fields: [
        // Supports pathname -> pathvalue
        'simplepath', // equivalent to {value:'simplepath'}
        '', // also equivalent to {value:''}

        // Supports label -> simple path


Convert JSON to CSV

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