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if ( && ! {{
ruleKey: 'remove-subclassable',
message: 'has gone from @subclassable to non-@subclassable',
violator: original,
for (const [origMethod, updatedElement] of memberPairs(original, original.allMethods, updated, context)) {
if (reflect.isMethod(origMethod) && reflect.isMethod(updatedElement)) {
compareMethod(origMethod, updatedElement, context);
for (const [origProp, updatedElement] of memberPairs(original, original.allProperties, updated, context)) {
if (reflect.isProperty(origProp) && reflect.isProperty(updatedElement)) {
compareProperty(origProp, updatedElement, context);
// You cannot have added abstract members to the class/interface, as they are
// an added burden on potential implementors.
// Only for types that are explicitly marked as intended to be subclassed by customers.
if (subclassableType(original)) {
noNewAbstractMembers(original, updated, context);