Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
function runInlineTest(module, options, input, expectedOutput) {
// Handle ES6 modules using default export for the transform
const transform = module.default ? module.default : module;
// Jest resets the module registry after each test, so we need to always get
// a fresh copy of jscodeshift on every test run.
let jscodeshift = require('jscodeshift');
if (module.parser) {
jscodeshift = jscodeshift.withParser(module.parser);
const output = transform(
stats: () => {},
options || {},
expect((output || '').trim()).toEqual(expectedOutput.trim());
exports.runInlineTest = runInlineTest;
import { File } from 'ast-types';
import * as jscodeshift from 'jscodeshift';
import * as os from 'os';
import { PrinterOptions } from 'recast';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { registerCollectionExtensions } from '../utils';
import logService from './logService';
// Hack to adjust default recast options
// making it as close to Prettier as possible.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
const CollectionPrototype = jscodeshift.withParser('babylon')('').constructor.prototype;
const toSource = CollectionPrototype.toSource;
CollectionPrototype.toSource = function(options: PrinterOptions) {
return, {
quote: 'single',
registerCollectionExtensions(jscodeshift as jscodeshift.JsCodeShift);
// Zero-based offset
export interface Selection {
anchor: number;
active: number;
export type LanguageId = 'javascript' | 'javascriptreact' | 'typescript' | 'typescriptreact';
const supportedLanguages: LanguageId[] = [
const codeshifts: { [languageId in LanguageId]: jscodeshift.JsCodeShift } = {
javascript: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
javascriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
typescript: jscodeshift.withParser('typescript'),
typescriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('tsx')
export type AstRoot = jscodeshift.Collection;
class AstService {
public readonly supportedlanguages = supportedLanguages;
private _astCache: Map<
string, // cached by fileName
source: string;
ast: AstRoot | null;
> = new Map();
public isSupportedLanguage(languageId: string): boolean {
export interface Selection {
anchor: number;
active: number;
export type LanguageId = 'javascript' | 'javascriptreact' | 'typescript' | 'typescriptreact';
const supportedLanguages: LanguageId[] = [
const codeshifts: { [languageId in LanguageId]: jscodeshift.JsCodeShift } = {
javascript: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
javascriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
typescript: jscodeshift.withParser('typescript'),
typescriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('tsx')
export type AstRoot = jscodeshift.Collection;
class AstService {
public readonly supportedlanguages = supportedLanguages;
private _astCache: Map<
string, // cached by fileName
source: string;
ast: AstRoot | null;
while (contents.startsWith('//')) {
contents = contents.replace(/^.*?\r?\n/, '');
// Hack to quickly get rid of exports
contents = contents.replace(/^export /gm, '');
fileInfo.contents = contents;
// PeopleExampleData imports TestImages and uses it in a constant.
// Replace the import with the TestImages file contents to avoid a runtime error.
exampleDataFiles.peopleExampleData.contents = exampleDataFiles.peopleExampleData.contents.replace(
/import .*?\bTestImages\b.*?\r?\n/,
const j = jscodeshift.withParser('babylon');
const parse = (source: string) =>
babylon.parse(source, {
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: ['jsx', 'typescript', 'classProperties', 'objectRestSpread']
* This Transform modifies Fabric website code examples into a format that will allow them to be
* rendered on Codepen, as part of the "Export to Codepen" feature.
* There are two types of supported example templates:
* [imports]
* [named variable export with example code inside]
* and
export interface Selection {
anchor: number;
active: number;
export type LanguageId = 'javascript' | 'javascriptreact' | 'typescript' | 'typescriptreact';
const supportedLanguages: LanguageId[] = [
const codeshifts: { [languageId in LanguageId]: jscodeshift.JsCodeShift } = {
javascript: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
javascriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
typescript: jscodeshift.withParser('typescript'),
typescriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('tsx')
export type AstRoot = jscodeshift.Collection;
class AstService {
public readonly supportedlanguages = supportedLanguages;
private _astCache: Map<
string, // cached by fileName
source: string;
ast: AstRoot | null;
import { File } from 'ast-types';
import * as jscodeshift from 'jscodeshift';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as os from 'os';
import { PrinterOptions } from 'recast';
import * as vscode from 'vscode-languageserver-types';
import { registerCollectionExtensions } from '../utils/collectionExtensions';
import logService from './logService';
// Hack to adjust default recast options
// making it as close to Prettier as possible.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
const CollectionPrototype = jscodeshift.withParser('babylon')('').constructor.prototype;
const toSource = CollectionPrototype.toSource;
CollectionPrototype.toSource = function(options: PrinterOptions) {
return, {
quote: 'single',
registerCollectionExtensions(jscodeshift as jscodeshift.JsCodeShift);
// Zero-based offset
export interface Selection {
anchor: number;
active: number;
export type LanguageId = 'javascript' | 'javascriptreact' | 'typescript' | 'typescriptreact';
const supportedLanguages: LanguageId[] = [
const codeshifts: { [languageId in LanguageId]: jscodeshift.JsCodeShift } = {
javascript: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
javascriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('babylon'),
typescript: jscodeshift.withParser('typescript'),
typescriptreact: jscodeshift.withParser('tsx')
export type AstRoot = jscodeshift.Collection;
class AstService {
public readonly supportedlanguages = supportedLanguages;
private _astCache: Map<
string, // cached by fileName
source: string;
ast: AstRoot | null;
> = new Map();
public constructor() {
it('no action when "this" is used inside', () => {
const source = 'const a = function () { }'
const api = jscodeshift.withParser('babylon')
const params = {
j: api,
ast: api(source),
selection: range.create(1, 11, 1, 11),
logger: console,
const action = fixer.suggestCodeAction(params)
getCodeShift(uri: string): jscodeshift.JSCodeshift | null {
const document = this.documents.get(uri)
if (!document) {
this.logger.error(`No document found for uri: ${uri}`)
return null
const langId = document.languageId
if (langId === 'javascript' && isFlowCode(document.getText())) {
return jscodeshift.withParser('flow')
if (langId === 'typescript') {
return jscodeshift.withParser('ts')
if (langId === 'javascript') {
return jscodeshift.withParser('babylon')
const errorMsg = `${langId} is not supported`
return null