How to use the js-slang/dist/stdlib/inspector.manualToggleDebugger function in js-slang

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paused: take(actionTypes.BEGIN_DEBUG_PAUSE)

  if (interrupted) {
    /* Redundancy, added ensure that interruption results in an error. */
    context.errors.push(new InterruptedError(context.runtime.nodes[0]));
    yield put(actions.debuggerReset(workspaceLocation));
    yield put(actions.endInterruptExecution(workspaceLocation));
    yield call(showWarningMessage, 'Execution aborted', 750);

  if (paused) {
    yield put(actions.endDebuggerPause(workspaceLocation));
    lastDebuggerResult = manualToggleDebugger(context);
    yield updateInspector(workspaceLocation);
    yield call(showWarningMessage, 'Execution paused', 750);

  if (actionType === actionTypes.EVAL_EDITOR) {
    lastDebuggerResult = result;
  yield updateInspector(workspaceLocation);

  if (result.status !== 'suspended' && result.status !== 'finished') {
    yield put(actions.evalInterpreterError(context.errors, workspaceLocation));
  } else if (result.status === 'suspended') {
    yield put(actions.endDebuggerPause(workspaceLocation));
    yield put(actions.evalInterpreterSuccess('Breakpoint hit!', workspaceLocation));