How to use the jquery-ui/ui/widgets/sortable function in jquery-ui

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jquery-ui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github getredash / redash / client / app / lib / sortable.js View on Github external
angular.forEach(oldVal, (oldValue, key) => {
                if (!newVal || !(key in newVal)) {
                  if (key in directiveOpts) {
                    if (key === 'ui-floating') {
                      opts[key] = 'auto';
                    } else {
                      opts[key] = patchSortableOption(key, undefined);

                  if (!defaultOptions) {
                    defaultOptions = sortable().options;
                  let defaultValue = defaultOptions[key];
                  defaultValue = patchSortableOption(key, defaultValue);

                  if (!optsDiff) {
                    optsDiff = {};
                  optsDiff[key] = defaultValue;
                  opts[key] = defaultValue;


A curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.

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