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export function decodeJpeg(
contents: Uint8Array, channels: 0|1|3 = 3): Tensor3D {
getImageType(contents) === ImageType.JPEG,
() => 'The passed contents are not a valid JPEG image');
channels === 3, () => 'Only 3 channels is supported at this time');
const TO_UINT8ARRAY = true;
const {width, height, data} = jpeg.decode(contents, TO_UINT8ARRAY);
// Drop the alpha channel info because jpeg.decode always returns a typedArray
// with 255
const buffer = new Uint8Array(width * height * 3);
let offset = 0; // offset into original data
for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i += 3) {
buffer[i] = data[offset];
buffer[i + 1] = data[offset + 1];
buffer[i + 2] = data[offset + 2];
offset += 4;
return tensor3d(buffer, [height, width, channels]);
imageToTensor(rawImageData: ArrayBuffer): tf.Tensor3D {
const TO_UINT8ARRAY = true;
const { width, height, data } = jpeg.decode(rawImageData, TO_UINT8ARRAY);
// Drop the alpha channel info for mobilenet
const buffer = new Uint8Array(width * height * 3);
let offset = 0; // offset into original data
for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i += 3) {
buffer[i] = data[offset];
buffer[i + 1] = data[offset + 1];
buffer[i + 2] = data[offset + 2];
offset += 4;
return tf.tensor3d(buffer, [height, width, 3]);
return new Promise(async resolve => {
const imageAndTestInformation: ImageAndTestInformation = {};
if (fs.existsSync(imagePath)) {
const jsonPath = imagePath.replace(/\.[^.]+$/i, ".json");
if (fs.existsSync(jsonPath)) { = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, { encoding: "utf-8" })
) as TestInformation;
try {
const isPNG = imagePath.endsWith(".png");
imageAndTestInformation.image = isPNG
? await decodePngImage(imagePath)
: decode(fs.readFileSync(imagePath));
} catch (imageDecodeError) {
// if the image is corrupted then PNG/JPG image package fails to decode and throws error
imageAndTestInformation.image = undefined;
if (! && imageAndTestInformation.image) {
const imageFileName = getImageFileNameFromPath(imagePath); = {
name: imageFileName,
viewport: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: imageAndTestInformation.image.width,
height: imageAndTestInformation.image.height,
scale: 1
case 'axi':i=ya*brain.dim[1]*brain.dim[0]+ y*brain.dim[0]+x; break;
frameData[4*j+0] = val; // red
frameData[4*j+1] = val; // green
frameData[4*j+2] = val; // blue
frameData[4*j+3] = 0xFF; // alpha - ignored in JPEGs
var rawImageData = {
data: frameData,
width: brain_W,
height: brain_H
return jpeg.encode(rawImageData,99);
filterType: this._filterType,
colorType: (this._rgba) ? 6 : 2,
inputHasAlpha: true
if (this._rgba) = new Buffer(;
else = compositeBitmapOverBackground(this).data; // when PNG doesn't support alpha
StreamToBuffer(png.pack(), function (err, buffer) {
return, null, buffer);
case Jimp.MIME_JPEG:
// composite onto a new image so that the background shows through alpha channels
var jpeg = JPEG.encode(compositeBitmapOverBackground(this), this._quality);
return, null,;
case Jimp.MIME_BMP:
// composite onto a new image so that the background shows through alpha channels
var bmp = BMP.encode(compositeBitmapOverBackground(this));
return, null,;
return, "Unsupported MIME type: " + mime);
return this;
frameData[4*j + 0] = 255*val; // red
frameData[4*j + 1] = 255*val; // green
frameData[4*j + 2] = 255*val; // blue
frameData[4*j + 3] = 0xFF; // alpha - ignored in JPEGs
j += 1;
var rawImageData = {
data: frameData,
width: brainWidth,
height: brainHeight
return jpeg.encode(rawImageData, 99);
frameData[4*j + 0] = 255*val; // red
frameData[4*j + 1] = 255*val; // green
frameData[4*j + 2] = 255*val; // blue
frameData[4*j + 3] = 0xFF; // alpha - ignored in JPEGs
j += 1;
var rawImageData = {
data: frameData,
width: brainWidth,
height: brainHeight
return jpeg.encode(rawImageData, 99);
function comparePixels(originPathOrBuffer, transformedBuffer) {
const targetBuffer = fs.readFileSync(originPathOrBuffer.replace('.jpg', '_dest.jpg'))
const targetJpeg = jpegjs.decode(targetBuffer)
const diffPng = new PNG({width: targetJpeg.width, height: targetJpeg.height})
const diffPixels = pixelmatch(
threshold: 0.25,
const diffPath = path.join(
path.join(__dirname, '.tmp'),
path.parse(originPathOrBuffer).base.replace('.jpg', '.diff.png')
return diffPixels === 0
.then(function () {
assert(out.ptr ? true : false);
assert.equal(out.rowPitch, inputImage.width * 4);
assert.equal(ref.address(out.ptr), ref.address(outputData));
var outputImage = {
width: inputImage.width,
height: inputImage.height,
data: outputData
var jpegData = jpeg.encode(outputImage, 85);
return fs.writeFileAsync(path.join(cd, "out.jpg"),, "binary").finally(
function () {
return queue.waitable().enqueueUnmapMemory(dst, out.ptr).promise;
path => {
const buf = fs.readFileSync(path);
const pixels = jpeg.decode(buf, true);
return pixels;