How to use the jake.exec function in jake

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jake examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github MapBBCode / mapbbcode / build / build.js View on Github external
'cp -r dist/lib/* ' + mapbb,
        'cat ' + mapbb + 'override.css dist/lib/leaflet.css > ' + mapbb + 'leaflet.css',
		'rm ' + mapbb + 'override.css',
        'cp -r dist/lang ' + mapbb,
        'cp -r src/layers ' + mapbb + 'proprietary',
        'mv ' + mapbb + 'proprietary/LayerList.js ' + mapbb,
        'cp src/handlers/Handler.Length.js ' + mapbb,
        'cp dist/mapbbcode.js ' + mapbb,
        'cp dist/mapbbcode-config.js ' + mapbb,
        'cp dist/mapbbcode-window.html ' + mapbb,
        'rm -f dist/' + archive,
        'cd ' + target + '; zip -r ../' + archive + ' *',
        'rm -r ' + target
	console.log('Creating ' + archive + '...');
github eslint / eslint / Jakefile.js View on Github external
task("check-performance", [ ], function() {
    var startTime = new Date().getTime();
    var command = "node bin/eslint.js tests/performance/jshint.js";
    jake.exec(command, { printStdout: false, printStderr: true}, function() {
        var endTime = new Date().getTime();
        var runTime = endTime - startTime;
        console.log("Linting jshint took " + runTime + "ms");
github eslint / eslint / Jakefile.js View on Github external
rules = {};
            if (typeof config.rules[key] === "number") {
                rules[key] = config.rules[key] || 1;
            } else {
                var configValue = config.rules[key];
                configValue[0] = 1;
                rules[key] = configValue;
            testRun(text, rules, key);
    } else {
        console.log("Failed to load " + path.resolve(filePath) + " file");

    jake.exec("echo perf tests complete", { printStdout: true, printStderr: true}, complete);
github eslint / eslint / Jakefile.js View on Github external
function jshint(files, callback) {

    var command = [ "node", JSHINT_CLI, files].join(" ");

    jake.exec(command, { printStdout: true, printStderr: true }, function() {
github eslint / eslint / Jakefile.js View on Github external
task("test-one", function(file) {
    if (file) {
        var command = "node tests/lib/rules/" + file;

        jake.exec(command, { printStdout: true, printStderr: true}, complete);
github eslint / eslint / Jakefile.js View on Github external
task("test", [ "lint" ], function() {

    var command = [
            "cover --print both",
            "-- --spec",
        ].join(" ");

    jake.exec(command, { printStdout: true, printStderr: true }, function() {
