How to use the istanbul.Instrumenter function in istanbul

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few istanbul examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / vscode-azure-blockchain-ethereum / test / index.ts View on Github external
public setupCoverage(): void {
    // Set up Code Coverage, hooking require so that instrumented code is returned
    const self = this;
    self.instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: self.coverageVar });
    const sourceRoot = paths.join(self.testsRoot, self.options.relativeSourcePath);

    // Glob source files
    const srcFiles = glob.sync('**/**.js', {
      cwd: sourceRoot,
      ignore: self.options.ignorePatterns,

    // Create a match function - taken from the run-with-cover.js in istanbul.
    const decache = require('decache');
    const fileMap: any = {};
    srcFiles.forEach((file) => {
      const fullPath = paths.join(sourceRoot, file);
      fileMap[fullPath] = true;

      // On Windows, extension is loaded pre-test hooks and this mean we lose
github litleleprikon / socket-io-vscode / test / index.js View on Github external
setupCoverage() {
        // Set up Code Coverage, hooking require so that instrumented code is returned
        const self = this;
        self.instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: self.coverageVar });
        const sourceRoot = paths.join(self.testsRoot, self.options.relativeSourcePath);
        // Glob source files
        const srcFiles = glob.sync('**/**.js', {
            cwd: sourceRoot,
            ignore: self.options.ignorePatterns,
        // Create a match function - taken from the run-with-cover.js in istanbul.
        const decache = require('decache');
        const fileMap = {};
        srcFiles.forEach((file) => {
            const fullPath = paths.join(sourceRoot, file);
            fileMap[fullPath] = true;
            // On Windows, extension is loaded pre-test hooks and this mean we lose
            // our chance to hook the Require call. In order to instrument the code
            // we have to decache the JS file so on next load it gets instrumented.
            // This doesn"t impact tests, but is a concern if we had some integration
github dlang-vscode / dlang-vscode / test / index.ts View on Github external
public setupCoverage(): void {
        // Set up Code Coverage, hooking require so that instrumented code is returned
        let self = this;
        self.instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: self.coverageVar });
        let sourceRoot = paths.join(self.testsRoot, self.options.relativeSourcePath);

        // Glob source files
        let srcFiles = glob.sync("**/**.js", {
            cwd: sourceRoot,
            ignore: self.options.ignorePatterns,

        // Create a match function - taken from the run-with-cover.js in istanbul.
        let decache = require("decache");
        let fileMap = {};
        srcFiles.forEach((file) => {
            let fullPath = paths.join(sourceRoot, file);
            fileMap[fullPath] = true;

            // On Windows, extension is loaded pre-test hooks and this mean we lose
github maenu / grunt-template-jasmine-istanbul / src / main / js / template.js View on Github external
var instrument = function (source, tmp) {
	var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();
	var instrumentedSourceText = instrumenter.instrumentSync(, source);
	var instrumentedSource = source;
	// don't try to write "C:" as part of a folder name on Windows
	if (process.platform === 'win32') {
		instrumentedSource = instrumentedSource.replace(/^([a-z]):/i, '$1');
	instrumentedSource = path.join(tmp, instrumentedSource);
	grunt.file.write(instrumentedSource, instrumentedSourceText);
	return instrumentedSource;
github walmartlabs / little-loader / test / func / spec / base.spec.js View on Github external
var _covered = function (filePath) {
  var fileName = path.relative(PROJECT_ROOT, filePath);
  var code = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
  var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();
  return instrumenter.instrumentSync(code.toString(), fileName);
github imodeljs / imodeljs / test-apps / testbed / floss / electron / coverage.js View on Github external
constructor(root, pattern, sourceMaps, htmlReporter, debug) {
        this.root = root;
        this.sourceMaps = !!sourceMaps;
        this.pattern = pattern;
        this.htmlReporter = !!htmlReporter;
        this.debug = !!debug;
        this.instrumenter = new Instrumenter();
        this.transformer = this.instrumenter.instrumentSync.bind(this.instrumenter);
        this.cov = global.__coverage__ = {};
        this.matched = this.match();
        hook.hookRequire(this.matched, this.transformer, {});
github joelpurra / bespoke-secondary / gulpfile.js View on Github external
.pipe(map(function(code, filename) {
            var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter(),
                relativePath = path.relative(__dirname, filename);
            return instrumenter.instrumentSync(code.toString(), relativePath);
github aaronpowell / bespoke-markdown / gulpfile.js View on Github external
.pipe(map(function(code, filename) {
      var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter(),
        relativePath = path.relative(__dirname, filename);
      return instrumenter.instrumentSync(code.toString(), relativePath);
github bespokejs / generator-bespokeplugin / app / templates / gulpfile.js View on Github external
.pipe(map(function(code, filename) {
      var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter(),
        relativePath = path.relative(__dirname, filename);
      return instrumenter.instrumentSync(code.toString(), relativePath);
github taichi / grunt-istanbul / tasks / helpers.js View on Github external
addUncoveredFiles: function(coverage, options, allFiles){
      var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({coverageVariable: options.coverageVar , preserveComments: false});
      var transformer = instrumenter.instrumentSync.bind(instrumenter);
      allFiles.forEach(function (file) {
        if (!coverage[file]) {
          transformer(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'), file);
          coverage[file] = instrumenter.coverState;
    storeCoverage : function(coverage, options, done) {


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