How to use irc-framework - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few irc-framework examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github daGrevis / msks / server / src / irc / index.js View on Github external
const _ = require('lodash')
const ircFramework = require('irc-framework')

const config = require('../config')
const { versionText } = require('../version')

const ircClient = new ircFramework.Client({
  port: config.irc.port,
  nick: config.irc.nick,
  username: config.irc.username,
  password: config.irc.password,
  tls: config.irc.tls,
  gecos: config.irc.gecos,
  auto_reconnect: true,
  // Tries to reconnect for at least 5 hours.
  auto_reconnect_wait: 2000 + Math.round(Math.random() * 2000),
  auto_reconnect_max_retries: 9000,
  version: versionText,

let ctx = {
  connectionTime: null,
github thelounge / thelounge / src / models / network.js View on Github external
Network.prototype.createIrcFramework = function(client) {
	this.irc = new IrcFramework.Client({
		version: false, // We handle it ourselves
		port: this.port,
		nick: this.nick,
		username: Helper.config.useHexIp ? Helper.ip2hex(client.config.browser.ip) : this.username,
		gecos: this.realname,
		password: this.password,
		tls: this.tls,
		outgoing_addr: Helper.config.bind,
		rejectUnauthorized: this.rejectUnauthorized,
		enable_chghost: true,
		enable_echomessage: true,
		auto_reconnect: true,
		auto_reconnect_wait: 10000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), // If multiple users are connected to the same network, randomize their reconnections a little
		auto_reconnect_max_retries: 360, // At least one hour (plus timeouts) worth of reconnections
		webirc: this.createWebIrc(client),
github FruitieX / teleirc / src / irc / index.js View on Github external
var newClient = function(msgCallback, channels, conf) {
    var nodeIrc = new NodeIrc.Client();
        host: conf.ircServer,
        nick: config.ircNick,
        port: config.ircOptions.port,
        password: config.ircOptions.password,
        username: config.ircOptions.userName,
        gecos: config.ircOptions.realName,

    nodeIrc.on('error', function(error) {
        logger.error('unhandled IRC error:', error);

    nodeIrc.on('registered', function() {
        // IRC perform on connect
github graulund / pyramid / server / irc.js View on Github external
port:        cf.port || 6667,
				username:    cf.username,
				gecos:       cf.realname || cf.nickname || cf.username,
				password:    decryptedPassword || "",
				tls: || false,
				rejectUnauthorized: !cf.selfSigned || !cf.certExpired || false,
				auto_reconnect_max_retries: 999

				{ config: frameworkConfig }

			let client = {
				irc: new irc.Client(frameworkConfig),
				config: cf,
				joinedChannels: []

			main.plugins().handleEvent("client", { client });

			return client;

		return null;


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