How to use ipfs-geoip - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ipfs-geoip examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-webui / src / js / pages / connections.js View on Github external
peers.forEach((peer, i) => {
        peer.ipfs = this.props.ipfs
        peer.location = {
          formatted: ''

        let id = peer.peer.toB58String()
        let location = this.state.locations[id]
        if (!location) {
          this.state.locations[id] = {}
          const addr = peer.addr.toString()
          getLocation(this.props.ipfs, [addr], (err, res) => {
            if (err) return console.error(err)
            // If we've unmounted, abort
            if (!this.mounted) return

            res = res || {}
            peer.location = res
            let locations = this.state.locations
            locations[id] = res
            peers[i] = peer
              nonce: this.state.nonce++
github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-webui / src / bundles / peer-locations.js View on Github external
this.geoipLookupPromises[ipv4Addr] = this.queue.add(async () => {
        try {
          const data = await geoip.lookup(getIpfs(), ipv4Addr)
          await this.geoipCache.set(ipv4Addr, data)
        } catch (e) {
          // mark this one as failed so we don't retry again
          this.failedAddrs.set(ipv4Addr, true)
        } finally {
          delete this.geoipLookupPromises[ipv4Addr]
github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-webui / src / js / pages / home.js View on Github external, peer) => {
      if (err || !peer) return console.error(err)
      if (!this.mounted) return
        node: {
          location: {}
      getLocation(this.props.ipfs, peer.addresses, (err, location) => {
        if (err || !location) return console.error(err)
        if (!this.mounted) return
          node: {
github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-desktop / src / utils / stats-poller.js View on Github external
_handleId (raw) {
    this.statsCache.node = raw
    this.statsCache.node.location = 'Unknown'

    lookupPretty(this.ipfs, raw.addresses, (err, location) => {
      if (err) { return }

      this.statsCache.node.location = location && location.formatted
      this.emit('change', this.statsCache)
github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-webui / js / getlocation.js View on Github external
var getLocation = module.exports = function (ipfs, multiaddrs, cb) {
  if (multiaddrs.length === 0) return cb(null, null)
  var address = multiaddrs[0].split('/')[2]
  if (isLocal(address)) return getLocation(ipfs, multiaddrs.slice(1), cb)

  geoip.lookup(ipfs, address, function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
      throw err

    if (!res.country_name && multiaddrs.length > 1) {
      return getLocation(ipfs, multiaddrs.slice(1), cb)

    var location = 'Earth'
    if (res.country_name) location = res.country_name + ', ' + location
    if (res.region_code) location = res.region_code + ', ' + location
    if ( location = + ', ' + location

    res.formatted = location
    cb(null, res)
github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-desktop / src / utils / stats-poller.js View on Github external
raw.forEach((rawPeer) => {
      let peer = {
        id: rawPeer.peer.toB58String(),
        addr: rawPeer.addr.toString(),
        location: {
          formatted: 'Unknown'

      if (!this.locationsCache[]) {
        lookupPretty(this.ipfs, [peer.addr], (err, result) => {
          if (err) { return }
          this.locationsCache[] = result
      } else {
        peer.location = this.locationsCache[]

github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-desktop / src / init.js View on Github external
.then((peer) => {
      lookupPretty(ipfs, peer.addresses, (err, location) => {
        if (err) throw err
        statsCache.location = location && location.formatted
        mb.window.webContents.send('stats', statsCache)
    .catch((err) => {


Library for ipfs geoip lookups

Latest version published 1 year ago

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55 / 100
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Popular ipfs-geoip functions