How to use the iotex-antenna/lib/rpc-method/node-rpc-method function in iotex-antenna

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github iotexproject / iotex-explorer / src / server / gateways / gateways.ts View on Github external
!(server.config.gateways.mongoose && server.config.gateways.mongoose.uri)
  ) {
      "cannot start server without gateways.mongoose.uri provided in configuration"
  } else {
    // @ts-ignore
    mongoose.connect(server.config.gateways.mongoose.uri).catch(err => {
      server.logger.warn(`failed to connect mongoose: ${err}`);
  // @ts-ignore
  server.gateways.mongoose = mongoose;

  const gateways = server.config.gateways;
  server.gateways.antenna = new RpcMethod(gateways.iotexAntenna);
  server.gateways.coinmarketcap = { fetchCoinPrice };
  server.gateways.sendgrid = getSendgrid(gateways.sendgrid);